•Part twenty three

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Everybody in the Great Hall had their attention focused on the stage area, where somebody was standing up with a piece of paper. All of the votes had been counted in, and it was now time to announce the winner and runners up of the costume contest.

"In third place, we have..." the person said into a microphone. "Prince Diaz and Alicia McVay!"

Your brother and his girlfriend, Alicia McVay, got congratulated whilst making their way through the crowd and up to the stage. The both git handed a mini bottle of vodka, which Prince laughed about. They had to stay standing up there whilst the other winners were said.

"And in second place, is..." the person announced. "Lee Jordan and George Weasley!"

You and your friends congratulated the two as they strutted up to the stage, saying hello and
showing off to everybody they possibly can. They shook the announcers hand and also got handed a bottle of vodka, it was small but still bigger than the one Prince and his girlfriend got given.

"Now for the time I'm sure you have all been waiting for, the winners!" Everybody applauded. "The winners of this years Halloween Costume Contest are, drumroll please."

Everybody started hitting their thighs or clapping to give a drumroll effect.

"Kendra Diaz and Fred Weasley!"

Fred looked at you and smiled, grabbing your hand and kissing it. He led you up to the stage carefully and let you walk up the steps first. You were met with a large bottle of vodka each and a crown for both of you.

You were already wearing a police hat, so George took that off of you and decided to wear it for himself whilst you wore the crown for coming first place in the costume contest. Fred and you held hands and gave the audience a small bow, everybody else done the same.

Prince hadn't said anything to you or Fred, he hadn't even congratulated you which was weird. You weren't sure if he was mad at you or was just too busy talking to his girlfriend.

Fred was still holding your hand and you two were still stood on the stage, so he pulled you closer to him and smashed him lips into yours. One of his hands cupped half of your face and his other hand slowly made its was to your waist. Everybody in the crowd was clapping and cheering whilst he deepened the kiss.

He pulled away and your face slowly turned bright Fred because of everyone still applauding in the audience. You were all finally allowed to leave the stage and carry on with the party, so you climbed down the steps again.

You, Fred, George and Lee made your way back to the rest of your friends and almost immediately joined in on the conversation they were having.

Out of nowhere, Prince came up to you and your friends. He stood there in silence for a few seconds before looking Fred in the eye.

"I have to talk to you, alone." Prince told Fred and Fred got confused.

He handed you his drink and walked out of the Great Hall with Prince, alone. You were all confused but decided to carry on with your conversation just like before.

"Kendra, want to go on a walk with me?" Lee asked you.

You nodded your head and followed him out of the Great Hall, seeing Fred and Prince talking but walking right past the two of them. Lee and you walked around the school for a few minutes, talking and also getting a bag of cocaine from Lee. That was the whole point of the walk, to get some cocaine.

After a while of walking and talking with Les, the two of you slowly made your way back to the party. When you got to the entrance of the Greta Hall again, Fred and Prince were walking back inside. You and Lee caught up with them and both of you jumped on Fred's back, Prince just rolled his eyes and walked off.

Lee laughed and ran back over to the rest of your friends, but you grabbed Fred's arm and pulled him back for a minute.

"What did Prince want?" You asked your boyfriend.

"He just congratulated us on winning the costume contest." Fred said, but you didn't believe him.

"Really?" You questioned.

"Really." He confirmed. "Let's go back in."

"Wait, look what Lee gave me." You discretely help up the bag of cocaine Lee gave you. "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"When am I not?" Fred said and you smiled, grabbing his hand and leading him back out of the Great Hall.

You two made your way to the broom closet from earlier and made yourselves as comfortable as possible in there. You and Fred finished the bag of cocaine but didn't decide to go back to the party straight away, you two just talked.

As much as you begged, he still didn't tell you why Prince actually wanted to talk to him.

Shortly after finishing the bag and talking, you and Fred got up to go back to the party, hand in hand. There was loud music playing, so the two of you joined in on everybody dancing and had an amazing time together.

The night went on and you got very drunk, even a little bit high, Fred was probably the most drunk out of you and all of your friends. You had the best time with Fred and the rest of your friends and you done loads of stuff, singing, dancing, you name it.

Throughout the night, you had noticed Prince giving both you and Fred weird looks, almost like there was something suspicious about you two. You brushed it off and decided not to ask him why he was giving you two looks like that.

Fred had gotten another bag of cocaine off of Lee and it was stuffed in his pocket. You and Fred were dancing alone when he backed you into a corner of the Great Hall.

"Keep this safe for me, love." Fred whispered and grabbed the bag from his pocket.

He held the bag up with his two fingers and slid it into your bra, banging his lips into yours right after letting go of the bag.

Word Count : 1056

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