•Part fifteen

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TW : attempted sexual assault / sexual assault

You weren't woken up by your friends or your siblings, you were woken up by two Gryffindor's and one Gryffindor rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

"It was you!" Lee Jordan's voice exclaimed.

"You're the girl Freddie is banging!" George Weasley's voice exclaimed.

Your friends immediately stopped talking and your eyes opened properly, looking around the scene. Fred's body was leaned against the wall with his head in his hands, not being able to stop what his friend and brother were saying.

Lee and George were standing up, staring at your body which was laying on the floor, and they both had the look of realisation on their faces. Miranda, Astoria and Noah were sitting around with their jaws all slightly dropped and looking at you, Lee, George and Fred.

"What?" You sat up and rubbed your eyes.

"You're fucking my twin brother." George looked down at you on the floor.

"Where did you get that idea from?" You asked Fred's twin brother, knowing he was right.

"It's so obvious, you can't even deny it anymore, Diaz." Lee laughed.

"We went up and dumped water on Freddie and a random girl who we didn't know, then we stole him from her and took him back here." George said as everybody listened to him. "We were looking over there for the entire time we were in here,"

George pointed towards the entrance to the Great Hall and you bit the inside of your cheek.

"Then you came walking in with wet hair, not too long after we stole Fred from the mysterious girl he was having sex with." Lee finished off for George.

"Fuck, that makes so much sense now!" Tori exclaimed. "You've been sneaking off for a while now, and I've noticed he has too. And you two were talking quite a lot in potions the other day."

You didn't say anything and neither did anyone else, they just watched as your head turned to look at Fred. He was looking directly back at you, shaking his head slightly whilst laughing a little bit. He mouthed the words..

I didn't tell them, they figured it out completely by themselves.

You nodded your head a chuckled slightly, looking back at your friends and his friends.

"Yes, you aren't wrong." You said. "But it hasn't even been going on for long, maybe like two days."

"Yeah, two days." Fred backed you up and looked at you. "It's nothing too serious so stop making a huge deal about this."

"Weasley, have you seen her neck?" Miranda asked Fred.

"Believe it or not, Wright, I done that." Fred smirked.

The seven of you talked more about you and Fred, you and him answering as many questions as you could. Somehow, all five of them had a million different questions to ask.

Still talking about you and Fred, Harry Potter came over to all seven of you and reminded the twins about the quidditch match. George rushed off to get warmed up and ready as it was starting soon, but Fred stayed back for a minute or two.

"You promise you'll be there?" Fred asked you, looking into your eyes.

"I promise." You smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Good, I'll see you there. And please don't miss this, I really want you there." He said and kissed you once more before leaving.

"So are you two dating or just fucking?" Noah asked and sat down next to you.

"We've had sex once, almost twice, and haven't even talked about dating yet. We don't know much about each other so I want to get to know him more before I officially call him my boyfriend." You told your boy best friend.

"Fair enough." Noah said.

"How's your mystery girl?" You asked him. "I know you were excited about your date last night but obviously couldn't do it."

"Hm, sure he didn't have a date." Astoria laughed and so did Miranda.

"What do you two mean?" You asked them.

"He snuck off after you did when some random girl came up to him with a condom in her hand." Miranda laughed.

"Really?" You looked at Noah and he didn't say anything, he just shrugged his shoulders. "Good job."

You gave him a high five and started laughing too, along with all three of your friends.


Noah had ran back off to his dorm to have a shower before leaving to watch the quidditch game, so did Miranda. Astoria had to go to the hospital wing before doing anything else so that her knee could get checked out again.

You were alone and walking back to your dorm where you would probably see Miranda. Right as you were walking into the dungeons, somebody stumbled into you.

"Pucey, you okay?" You asked as you caught him in your arms, he looked very drunk.

"Diaz.." Adrian Pucey slurred as he passed out in your arms, you holding him up with all your weight.

Nobody was around in the dungeon, so no one was available to help you support him up. He was heavy, but you managed to get him over to one of the couches. Once he landed on the couch, he somehow regained consciousness.

You smiled at him then went to stand up, but he grabbed onto your hand. You were confused at first, but got a lot more confused once his grip around your wrist got a lot tighter. You winced as his fingers nails dug into your skin.

"Adrian, stop it, that hurts." You whined and he smirked, pulling you onto him.

You landed on his drunk body, his fingers still wrapped around your wrist. His other hand grabbed your waist and flipped the two of you over, him not on top of you and towering over your body.

"Oh, Diaz." Adrian groaned on top of you as he let go of your arm.

You moaned in pain as you felt blood draw from your wrist where he had been holding you so tightly, it was dripping down the jumper you were wearing.

"Adrian, get off of me." You tried to push him off of you but failed. "Pucey!"

Adrian Pucey's hands moved so they were on the waistband of the trousers you were wearing. He was about to pull your trousers down and shove his hand down your trousers, when he got pushed off you by someone.

Your body immediately bolted up right and you curled up into a ball, watching as a familiar person walked round the side of the couch and kicked Adrian Pucey's body on the floor.

If something like this has happened to you, you are not alone. I love you.

Word Count : 1125

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