•Part twenty six

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The Quidditch match went in for quite a while, both Slytherin and Gryffindor getting many goals and raising the score by ten each time. You and Miranda were still hitting bludgers towards the twins, none had hit any of your four for the entire duration of the match.

As the match went on, you felt very dizzy. You weren't sure why because you hadn't been hit with anything, the only possible solutions could have been your self harm or the cocaine you had done earlier today.

It was almost like you were falling asleep but stopping yourself right as your eyes shut, it was very strange. George noticed this and mouthed the words "are you okay" to you, you replied with just a small nod. After you nodded to him, he told something to Fred and Fred looked up at you, concerned.

Fred flew towards you to check on you.

"What's going on, are you alright?" He asked, placing a hand on your arm.

His hand was placed on your left arm, the arm that you self-harm in, so you winced but didn't let Fred see how much pain you were in. You didn't want him to be even more concerned or to find out you were hurting yourself again, neither one of those things end up being good.

"I'm fine, don't worry." You gave him an unconvincing smile, and he gave you a confused look.

"You can talk to me, you know that, right?" Fred looked into your eyes.

"I know that, thank you. Now go, go carry on with the match." You told him and watched as he nodded, flying back to George.

You continued with the match and soon enough, the golden snitch was caught. Cheering and applauding was heard everywhere, but mainly from the Slytherin stands. You and Miranda looked at each other with a huge smile on your faces, knowing you just won the match.

You started celebrating with her whilst flying down to the ground where Noah and Astoria were already standing. Once you hit the floor, you practically ran up to Noah and jumped in his arms.

"Good job!" Noah exclaimed and span you around in the air, putting you down afterwards.

"Thanks!" You smiled and let Miranda and Astoria get congratulated by Noah.

You looked around at everybody in the stands, still cheering and celebrating Slytherin's win. You continued to look around until you saw Fred standing far away with the Gryffindor's, you locked eyes with him and noticed a smile appear on his face.

He started walking towards you and the rest of the Slytherin's, finally reaching you. His hands were in his pockets and his eyes were still locked with yours. He stopped and stood still right where you were, taking his hands out of his pockets.

"I beat you, loser." You stuck your tongue out at him.

"I don't care that you beat me." He said, no emotion on his face, but then a smile appeared on his face, a bright smile. "I am so proud of you!"

He put his arms out and you laughed, hugging him as his arms wrapped around you. He kissed your head before you pulled your head away from his chest, looking up to his eyes.

Your lips collided with his, his hand moving down to your waist and your hands resting on the back of his neck. You pulled away and looked into his eyes, admiring them.

"You are so handsome." You smiled at him.

"You are so beautiful- fucking hell, why are your eyes so red?" Fred asked, now concerned for you.

"It's nothing, Lee gave me some coke earlier and I snorted it this morning." You said, like it was no big deal.

"You've been doing so much coke lately, is it still only me, Lee and Prince that know about it?" Fred asked and you nodded your head. "How?"

"I know how to hide it, I'm smart like that, you know." You smirked.

"Are you alright, though? Your eyes have been red almost every day that I have seen you, in started to get worried." Fred said and then your friends overheard your conversation.

"Why do we need to be worried, what's going on?" Miranda asked, walking over to you and Fred.

"Are you cutting again?" Noah asked, lowering his voice at the word cutting.

"Kendra, please tell me you aren't cutting yourself anymore." Fred said, not even thinking that you could be doing that again.

Everybody's eyes drifted from you, to behind you. You got confused and turned around, seeing your brother and sister standing there, silent and frozen.

"You're doing it again?" Prince said, a hint of anger in his voice.

"You cut yourself?" Leah looked up at you, her jaw dropped a little bit.

"I don't know why you all think that I'm doing it again, I'm not! I promise." You sighed then walked over to Leah, grabbing her hand. "Leah, how about me and you take a walk? I can explain everything to you."

"Is it true, do you actually cut yourself?" Leah asked as the two of you walked to the exit of the quidditch pitch.

You took her on a walk around the school grounds for a little while, talking to her and trying your best to explain everything without going into too much detail. You didn't want to leave much out for her, but you had promised Prince ages ago that you wouldn't tell her stuff in too much detail.

Neither one of you wanted her to know much about your mother and father because they weren't good role models, so you two practically raised her instead of them as they were both hardly ever around. So, she had been kept out of certain things over the years, it was for her own good though.

"I'm sorry, Leah, but I can't tell you much more than that." You told your sister, stopping at the entrance of the dungeons.

"Why not?" She whined. "I want to know why you do that to yourself, you are my older sister!"

"Leah, I wish I could tell you but I can't, I'm sorry." You held her hand but she dropped yours.

"I'm not a baby anymore, why can't you and Prince stop hiding everything from me!" Leah yelled and ran off somewhere.

Word Count : 1060

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