•Part twenty five

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TW : self-harm

One month had passed and nothing too important had happened.

You hadn't told anybody about what Prince said to you the morning after the party, but you ended up falling back into the habit of doing what he told you to do. You were now only wearing jumpers and long sleeve shirts to cover up your arms again, you didn't want anybody to find out because they would make a huge fuss over it, you didn't want that.

Slytherin's had won two quidditch matches but lost one of the three matches they played in the two weeks that had passed. The three matches were against the three different house colours. Today was the day of Slytherin vs Gryffindor again, you hadn't seen Fred all day.

No signs or news of Sirius Black attacking anything or anyone, he had almost completely disappeared since he was last here at Hogwarts with you and Leah.

Leah and you hadn't spoke much in a while, it was almost like she was avoiding you. If you saw her in the hallways and tried talking to her, she would rush off or just ignore you. It was weird and you had no idea why your sister was acting this way, she had never done something like this before. You didn't like it.

Fred and you were inseparable, you never wanted to leave his side but obviously did quite a few times because of classes and obviously sleep. He spent a few nights in your dorm and you in his dorm, nobody in his or your dorm cared so they weren't too bothered.

You and him hadn't had any more sex since the day after the party, you didn't want him to touch you. It was nothing personal, it was only because you had been seeing a lot more of Adrian Pucey, even just seeing him briefly bought back memories of when he tried to touch you without your permission.

Fred knew about how you felt so he respected your wishes of not having sex for as long as you needed, he also helped you, supported you and comforted you through the hard and challenging times. He was always there for you even if you tried to push him away, and you loved it.

Once you got back into the habit of self-harm again, you struggled to stop. There hadn't been a day in the past four weeks that you hadn't self-harmed, you would be seeing blood everyday and you weren't sure that would change any time soon.

You had also been getting high quite frequently, you were using cocaine at least once every three days and didn't really plan on stopping. Fred and you were getting high together most of the time, but he didn't seem to notice that you were using cocaine as a coping mechanism and not a chance to have fun.

You wouldn't say you were addicted, but others might say you have an addiction to both cocaine and self-harm. Fred would definitely say you had a very bad addition to both of those things, Prince probably would too.

In fact, you were high on cocaine right now.

"You ready for the match, girls?" Noah asked you, Miranda and Astoria.

"I am!" Astoria exclaimed, her broomstick in her hand.

"Same here." Miranda spoke, her now buried in a book that was in her hands.

"Kendra?" Noah asked you and you looked up at him, coming back to reality.

"What, sorry?" You asked.

"Are you ready for the match?" Noah asked and you nodded your head. "Are you feeling alright, you don't look too good."

"Yeah, I'm alright. It's just allergies." You gave him a fake smile and he shrugged it off. "When do have to leave for the match?"

"Ten minutes." Astoria told you and laid down on her bed. "Have you heard from Fred today?"

"Nope, just George and Lee. They said he's getting ready for the match and has been practicing all day, even though it isn't an important one this time." You shrugged. "I'm sure he'll talk to me afterwards. Why?"

"I was just wondering, just making conversation." Astoria told you.

"Okay. I'm going to the toilet quickly, I'll be out in a minute." You got up from your bed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door and locking it after yourself.

You didn't go to the toilet, you just scraped your back against the wall with a blade in your hand. You rolled your sleeve up and made art on your wrist, red artwork.

You put the blade back in your hiding spot, along with many other sharp objects and other blades, before bandaging up the cuts and flushing the toilet. You left the bathroom and laid back down on your bed, your wrist stinging even more by the second. You ignored it as much as possible.

You and Astoria talked for ten minutes, Miranda continued reading and Noah was sorting out something in his bag that he had. Once ten minutes had passed, it was now time for the four of you to go down to the Quidditch pitch.

Noah found his signature seat whilst you three girls made your way to the changing rooms, quickly getting changed and then going outside to the pain pitch. You didn't have to warm up and there wasn't time to, so you shook hands with the Gryffindor infront of you and flew into the sky once Mcgonagall said to do so.

Miranda and you were flying next to each other for the entire time whilst Astoria was somewhere else in the sky. Malfoy and Potter were racing around for the entire time, trying to catch the golden snitch.

Multiple bludgers had been hit towards you and Miranda by Fred and George, so you two sent quite a few back to them. One of the ones you hit missed Fred's face by a small amount of space, so that was pretty lucky.

Word Count : 1000

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