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Fifteen years later..

You struggled with self-harm and drugs for at least another year, you didn't remember too much about that year because you weren't in the right mindset. Everybody made sure you went to therapy every week and went to rehab for two months, which you did unhappily. You didn't want to talk to anyone once you got out of rehab because of how much you hated it.

All of your friends and your family supported you through the additions and they knew to give you time and space if you needed it. Your relationship with your mother got better, you two somehow bonded over your addictions.

You didn't talk to Prince for a while after he told your mother about everything that happened when you were at school. You didn't want to speak to him because of what he told her, he knew that you didn't want anybody to know about it, especially your mother.

Once you got better and fought your addiction, you eventually started talking to him and understood why he told her, he was just worried for his little sister. Even though you weren't talking to him, he never stopped trying to support and help you.

After your mother found out about how bad things were getting for you, she stayed sober for a little while to try and help you through the addictions. It took her a while to get used to being sober, but she done it and helped you with your own addictions.

Once you had gotten a bit better and could go a week without self-harm or cocaine, she started to get bad again. She was getting drunk and eventually, she fell back into her addiction again, just like before.

You had to watch your mother destroy her life again, right when she was getting her life together again. It was nothing too different though, you had seen this before and knew what to expect.

Fred had stood by your side throughout your addictions, rehab and therapy, he never once let you know that he wasn't there for you. Every week, he would visit you in rehab and he would sometimes go to some of your therapy sessions with you, for support.

Another two years had passed since you were in rehab and therapy, you still struggled but got through everything with the help of everyone. You had started to get a lot better and happier with life.

You got a lot happier when Fred went down on one knee with a ring box in his hand. That day changed your life for the better, and you couldn't be any more grateful.

Your wedding was amazing. You had all of your friends there, as well as Leah and Prince. Leah was the flower girl, Miranda was your maid of honour, and Astoria and Ginny were your bridesmaids.

Your lost respect for your father throughout the years, so you didn't invite him to the wedding. Because you didn't invite him, you realised you had nobody to walk you down the aisle. That was until Prince offered and took your fathers place, he walked you down the aisle on your wedding day.

George was Fred's best man, his groomsmen were Ron, Noah and Lee, and the ring bearer was also Leah, as well as the flower girl.

The wedding was in the middle of the second Wizard War, so it was very risky to actually have the wedding then. Luckily, nothing bad happened and the wedding was totally safe.

The war was terrifying and you were constantly scared. You had to go into hiding with Fred, George, Lee, Noah, Astoria and Miranda. You had your friends and husband with you in the safe house, so you weren't bored.

In fact, you weren't too bored because you were busy preparing for the baby that would be coming soon. Fred got your pregnant during hiding, so you were still pregnant when the war officially started and Voldemort made his return.

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