•Part sixteen

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TW : violence, self harm and blood

You were frozen on the couch as you watched your brother kick and punch the boy who just tried to sexually assault you. You were curled up into a ball when you felt a hand touch your shoulder, startling you.

"Kendra, what's going on?" Noah asked you, worried, as he hopped over the couch and sat down next to you.

You didn't answer him, you tried to but no words were leaving your mouth. You were still frozen in your seat and didn't know what to do, you weren't even feeling any sort of emotions.

"Kendra, look at me." Noah said and cupped your face, pulling your eyes away from your brother and Adrian Pucey.

Noah's eyes jolted from yours to the scene happening in front of you and him, he done this multiple times. Prince stopped kicking Pucey and Adrian was now groaning and rolling around on the floor.

Prince stepped over Adrian's moaning body and knelt down to your height, looking at you with anger in his eyes.

"Did you want to?" Prince asked as you hesitantly shook your head. "He initiated it and you said no?"

You nodded your head as tears filled your eyes, Noah then realised what happened and he was now standing up. He didn't stop to think about it for a second, he just grabbed Pucey's shirt and started punching his face over and over.

"Come on." Prince grabbed ahold of your hands and took you up the the girls dorms, heading straight to yours.

Your legs felt like jelly, like you were going to fall over at any moment, but Prince was there to help you. He opened your dorm door and nobody was in there, Miranda was nowhere to be seen.

He sat you down on your bed and put a blanket over your legs, sitting down next to you. He didn't let go of your hands and you were lucky, you felt like you would break down if he did.

"Kendra, tell me exactly what happened." Prince told you.

So you did, you told him everything and ended up with tears all over you face and your brother stormed out of your room. The last words he said to you was "I'm going to kill that bastard."


You weren't in your bed anymore, you were now sat on the bathroom floor with your body leaning against the wall. Nobody had come back to the dorm, not to check on you or to even get anything. You were all alone.

Actually, you weren't alone. You had a blade to comfort you, a blade that you were dragging against your skin over and over again. A blade that was drawing blood from wherever you dragged it on your arm, a blade that made blood drip from your arm to the floor.

A small pool of blood formed on the floor and all over your arm, dripping ever so slowly. You didn't feel anything, you were completely numb, so you kept on dragging that blade across your wrist and arm.

You weren't feeling a thing no matter how much blood you drew from your body, you couldn't feel it. You gave up in trying to hurt yourself, it wasn't working for you despite the small pool of blood all over the bathroom floor.

You grabbed some bandages out of the cabinet and wrapped almost your entire left arm up, covering all of the cuts you had made in your body. Once you were all wrapped up, you stayed sat on the bathroom floor, not moving an inch and staring at the same spot on the wall.

You stared at the same spot on the wall for what felt like days, but was only two hours. You hadn't moved or done anything else, no matter how much you wanted to, you didn't.

You had began to feel quite dizzy and lightheaded, that might be because of the blood you felt still dripping into the bandages wrapped on your arm though. It hadn't stopped bleeding and blood was now appearing from the outside of the bandages.

You then heard your dorm door swing open, but you still didn't get up.

"You didn't come to my match." Fred's voice said from your actual dorm room. "Kendra, you here?"

"Fred.." You whispered, your body very weak, and then you coughed and he heard it. "Fred."

"Kendra?" He questioned and walked into the bathroom, his eyes widening straight away. "Fuck, Kendra!"

"Freddie.." you whispered as your eyes slowly moved up to his shocked face.

"Oh, Kendra, what did you do?" He bent down and grabbed your arm that had bandages wrapped around it, examining your arm.

He couldn't see anything other than red, red blood soaked through the bandages on your arm. Blood started gushing out of your wrist even more as the bandage moved out of place, away from the vein on your wrist that you had cut.

The bandage was the only thing stopped more blood dripping through your bandage and into the floor, but now it was happening in Fred's hand. He put pressure on your wrist and you whined as he done it, his free arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you up.

You looked at him, noticing how panicked he was as your eyes started getting heavy. He put your good arm over his shoulder and picked you up, his fingers still putting pressure on your wrist whilst carrying you out of the bathroom and your dorm.

Fred picked you up and carried you all the way through the dungeon and out of the dungeon doors, looks were given by so many people but he didn't care. Prince and Noah were still with Adrian Pucey, but Prince saw Fred carrying your bleeding body out and ran after you.

"What happened?" Prince asked, looking at the blood soaked all over your arm. "Shit."

"Go to the hospital wing and get them to get a bed! Now!" Fred said with you still in his arms.

Prince then ran off as fast as he could.

Word Count : 1019

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