•Part eleven

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He threw the pillow back in your face and the two of you started having a pillow fight.

You started laughing and so did he, you then stood up and walked over to your own bed and threw the face directly in his face. He caught the pillow after it bounced off of his face, throwing it at you.

Whilst the pillow was in your face, he grabbed your arms gently and pulled you into your bed, flipping himself so he was now straddling you. Instead of grabbing the pillow to throw at you, he stated to tickle you instead.

Your laughter got louder and louder until he finally stopped tickling you.

"I love your laugh, and your smile." Fred told you and you stopped yourself from laughing. "Sorry, that was random."

"No, it's okay. Thank you, Fred." You smiled a lot. "I love your hair, and the colour."

He smiled at you almost copying his words, just changing a few parts, and looked into your eyes. Your eyes connected with his and noticed them bolt down to your lips, then back up to your eyes.

Fred was still straddling you, and his hands were now slowly moving towards your waist, his face slowly moving towards yours. You grabbed his hands in yours and locked your fingers together, moving your head closer to his.

Right as your lips were about to touch his, there was multiple bangs on your door. The two of you quickly moved away from each other and he stood up off of you and your bed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

You got off of your bed and walked over to the front door of your dorm.

"Who is it?" You called from one side of the door.

"It's Noah, you want to come watch me smoke weed and give me a load of questions when I get high?" Noah called from the other side.

"Um, can you give me a few minutes?" You shouted.

"Yeah, meet me at our spot." He said. "Freak."

You heard him laugh and then walk away.

You walked further away from the door and saw Fred sat in the edge of your bed, still looking very awkward.

"Sorry." You both said at the same time, then laughed a little bit in unison.

"If it helps, I wouldn't have been mad if we did kiss." You told him and a smile appeared on his face, a small smile. "Actually, I'd be pretty happy about it. Maybe it would get rid of some unwanted tension we have-"

He cut you off by his lips smashing into yours, his hands grabbing your face and stroking your temples with his thumbs. You grabbed ahold of his arms and felt then slowly move their way down to your neck. His hands ended up finding their way on your waist and pulling your body to touch his.

Your tongue slipped into his mouth and your hands carefully wrapped around the back of his neck. Your fingers brushing through the small strands of his red hair, his hands gripping your waist a lot harder.

The kiss got a lot more passionate by the second, and you two soon found yourselves on your bed with your lips moving at the same pace. Your knees were either side of his thighs and he was propped up on his elbows, his hands still on your waist and moving down to your upper thighs.

"I'm definitely not mad that we kissed." You whispered in his ear and started kissing down his neck.

"Fuck, neither am I." He groaned as you sucked down on his collarbone. "I can't believe this is happening right now."

"What is there not to believe?" You asked and placed soft kisses all over his neck, sucking his neck in between kisses.

"That a girl this perfect is giving me hickeys." He groaned again. "It's unbelievable."

"Well, believe it because it is happening." You said and moved your lips from his neck to his own lips.

You moved your body closer to his and sat right on his zipper of his trousers, feeling his hard penis grow slightly harder. His hands moved from your upper thighs to your back, his hands roaming your entire back and fiddling with your bra strap.

His fingers unclipped your bra and you pulled away from his lips, looking him in the eye.

"How did you do that?" You asked.

"Practice." He said and kissed your cheek.

He pulled his shirt over his head and threw it on the floor, you done the same with your shirt and bra that Fred had unclipped. He didn't do or say anything for a few seconds, he just sat there and stared.

"Never seen boobs before?" You questioned the red head you were sitting on.

He didn't say anything, his lips just banged into yours as you fiddled with his zipper.

A few more minutes had passed, you and Fred hadn't done anything more serious then kiss passionately and give each other hickeys on his neck along with your neck and breasts.

"Do we need a condom?" Fred asked you as you sucked down on his collarbone again.

"Yeah, I'm not on the pill. Did you bring one?" You asked and he shook his head.

You got off of Fred and went to grab a condom from Miranda's nightstand, she always had at least three in there so she wouldn't be missing one. You chucked it over to Fred and he pulled his trousers down, leaving his underwear up though.

He would pull his underwear down once you were ready, but you didn't join him again. Instead of joining Fred and having sex with him, you grabbed your bra and put it back on.

Once your bra was on, you done the same with your shirt and also zipped up your own trousers. Fred was sat on your bed, resting against the headboard and his penis was very hard. His jaw dropped open slightly once he actually realised what you were doing.

"Kendra, come on." Fred groaned.

"I told Noah I would go join him. Sorry, handsome."

Word Count : 1026

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