•Part twenty two

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The night went on and you had so much fun. A lot of kisses and dances were shared with multiple people, everybody was even drinking and smoking a lot. Music was being blasted by the teachers table very loudly and you were currently dancing with Astoria in the middle of the room.

The song slowly stopped and somebody grabbed a microphone and started speaking. It was someone in seventh year, you didn't recognise them and Astoria didn't either.

"Everybody, thank you for coming!" The person said into the microphone and everyone started cheering or applauding. "As some of you might already know, there is a costume contest at this party! We will be announcing the winners soon, so make sure you vote up here at the front. Thank you!"

The person stepped down from the front of the room and music started playing again, this time a slower song.

"I'll be right back." Astoria told you and walked off somewhere.

After a minute of waiting for her to come back to you, arms wrapped around you and hands were grabbing your hands for behind. A head rested on your shoulder and a kiss was placed on your cheek, a familiar scent filling your nose as you smiled.

The person span you around slowly so you were now facing him, your eyes connecting with his as his hands didn't let go of yours.

"Astoria told me I could step in, if that's alright with you." Fred said, his hands holding yours and slowly swaying to the music.

"Of course it's okay with me." You said and laid your head on his chest. "Tonight has been so good, Fred."

"I know it has, I'm so glad you are having a good day." He said and kissed your temple. "Happy birthday, again."

"Thank you, again." You smiled.

"I know I already have you two of my amazing presents today, but I still have more presents up my sleeve." Fred said and you pulled your head away from his chest, looking at his eyes.

"You know you don't have to get me anything or even do anything for me." You told him.

"I know that but now that you are my girlfriend, I thought it would be nice to get you a birthday present or two." He told you, shrugging his shoulders a little bit.

"You've already given me all that I could ask for." You reminded him and he shook his head.

"No I haven't, I never actually gave you anything physical." He said. "I went down on you and asked you to be my girlfriend in front of most of the school, that wasn't exactly a physical thing.

"So? You still didn't have to get me anything else, or even do anything else for me." You let him know. "Being my boyfriend is enough, and I love that I am finally your girlfriend."

"I love being your boyfriend." He placed a soft kiss on your lips. "Also, I scored us a bag of coke from Lee earlier, I forgot to tell you."

"We can use that later when you give me my other presents." You told him.

"How about we get out of here now then?" He suggested and you nodded your head. "I can't wait to see your reaction when you see it."

Fred led you through the crowd and outside of the Great Hall, sitting you down in the stairs and walking into a small broom closet. He must have put your present in there so he didn't have to go back the the Gryffindor common room and to his own dorm.

He came out of the broom closet and sat down next you on the stairs, a wrapped up box in his hands. He handed you the box and watched your facial expressions as you unwrapped it.

Inside was a teddy bear and another small box, you smiled straight away when you say the teddy bear and picked it up. On the foot of the bear, there was a red love heart that said "My Girl" on it.

You put the teddy bear in your lap and opened the small box. Inside of the smaller box, there was a metal card that read "Whenever I am with you, the whole world stops and you are the only thing that matters to me."

You smiled brightly at the card and dropped it, your arms wrapped around Fred's neck and hugging him tightly. His arms stretched around your waist and he pulled you onto him, you now sat on his lap and smiling at him.

"Thank you so much for the presents, I love them so much." You looked into his eyes.

"I'm glad you like them. I want only the best for my girl." He kissed your cheek.

Fred and you stared kissing normally, to passionately kissing. Slowly, you two got up from the stairs and backed into the broom closet, your lips not moving away from his.

Luckily, Fred had a condom in his pocket just in case you two were going to need it at all during the night. You two ended up having sex in the broom closet.

You also remembered about the red lipstick that Fred bought to the party tonight, you had forgotten to put the lipstick on and kiss his body to show girls that he is yours, so you done that quickly before leaving the broom closet.

You left your presents in the closet and would collect them again once the party had finished, if you remembered. If you forgot, then you would just go back there the next morning.

The party continued and it was amazing, you were dancing with Fred and all of your friends. Everybody was dancing to the music and you even ended up climbing onto Fred's shoulders some time during the night.

Soon enough, somebody announced that it was time to announce the winners of the costume contest. It caught everybody's attention and now everyone was waiting for the winners to finally be announced.

Word Count : 1009

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