•Part twenty seven

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In this chapter we meet Malik Zabini, he does not have a face claim but he is Blaise Zabini's older brother so you can imagine him to look similar to Blaise if you would like to! He isn't a main character so he won't be seen too much.

TW : overdose

You didn't bother trying to run after Leah because as soon as you went to follow her, you felt a huge wave of dizziness hit you. You had to lean against the wall to collect yourself for a minute, but then you were able to stand up straight without the walls moving.

You made your way into the dungeons and started walking up to the dorms when it happened again, the room started spinning and you felt like you were dying. Your dorm wasn't far away, so you tried to get there without feeling too dizzy again.

It didn't work and you didn't make it to your dorm, not even to the front door of your dorm. You just got dizzier by the second and felt like you were about to pass out, which you were about to do. Your head started to feel heavy and you felt yourself about to drop to the floor, but somebody stopped you.

You looked at the person who had picked you up to stop you from falling to the floor, and it was one of Prince's closest friends. Malik Zabini, Blaise Zabini's oldest brother.

"I've got you, little Diaz." Malik said and carried you all the way to his dorm that he shared with Prince. "You are lucky I just left my girls dorm, I wouldn't have seen you if I hadn't."

Malik opened his dorm door and walked inside with you in his arms. Prince was in the bathroom and he was talking to someone who was in the bathroom with him. Malik laid you down on Prince's bed and then walked into the bathroom.

"Diaz, I think you'll want to see this." Malik said in the doorway of the bathroom, stepping out of the way for Prince to walk out.

Prince's eyes immediately widened at the sight of you sat on his bed. Your hair was messy and you couldn't sit up straight, you just felt the whole room spinning if you even tried to sit up straight, so you doing bother trying anymore. He rushed over to your side and grabbed your chin, pushing your head up so he could see if you were alright.

"You've been using." Prince said plainly. "You've been fucking using."

You didn't have the strength to try and defend yourself but even if you did try, Prince would see right through you and know that you were lying right to his face.

Malik and Prince's girlfriend came out of the bathroom and saw Prince crouched down on the side of his bed, looking at your messy state. They both saw that as a sign to leave the dorm with no words said, no mention of where they were going. You and Prince just needed privacy and they gave you two some.

"What did you take, Kendra?" Prince asked and stood up straight, pulling a chair to the edge of his bed and sitting on that. "Kendra, what drugs did you use?"

"Coke." You blurted out, Prince's expressions changing quickly.

"Right, you are staying here for the night. Come on, lay down." Prince stood up and grabbed a blanket from the edge of his bed.

He laid the blanket over your body, which was laying down in his bed, and he made sure you were as comfortable as possible. He grabbed an empty bucket and put it at the side of his bed, along with tissues and a bottle of water.

Prince then made sure you were laying on your side in case anything happened, anything bad, and sat at the side of his bed, his hand on your leg. He sighed and looked at you, his baby sister, wondering how he could let you get this bad.

"How did I not know this was happening to you?" Prince whispered to himself.

"Don't blame yourself, Prince. This was my decision, I wanted to take the drugs." You said, falling asleep even more at every second. "You are an amazing big brother, none of my bullshit is your fault."

"Please come to me next time you feel like taking drugs instead of talking to someone, anyone." Prince said and then realised you were asleep. "Night, Kendra. I'm so sorry."

Prince kissed the top of your head before making a bed out of pillows and blankets on the floor so he could sleep there. He didn't get into bed straight away, instead he walked over to the front door and opened it. After a few seconds, he came back in with Malik.

His girlfriend must have gone back to her dorm and Malik must have been waiting outside until Prince and you didn't need anymore privacy. Prince had to go somewhere quickly, so Malik was in charge of making sure you didn't die in your sleep.

Prince POV

I reached my younger sisters dorm room and knocked on the door, Noah opening it for me. He let me come in, Fred, Miranda and Astoria were in the dorm, all of my sisters friends and her boyfriend.

"Where's Kendra?" Fred stood up from her bed.

"She's staying the night in my dorm, she can explain why tomorrow morning or whenever she is ready." I told her friends.

"Why can't you just tell us, is there something wrong with her?" Miranda asked me, concerned for her best friend.

"She's doing alright, there's nothing to worry about." I lied, they were all already worried so I didn't want to worry them even more. "I'll try and get her to go breakfast tomorrow. Astoria, can I borrow your owl for a letter tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course. You don't have to ask." Astoria told me and I nodded, thanking her.

"Night, guys." I said and left my younger sister's dorm room, heading back to mine.

Word Count : 1015

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