•Part five

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After forming a line of cocaine on the bench, you lowered your head down and used your finger to close one of your nostrils, snorting the line. You lifted your head up for a few seconds to let the powder go down your nose properly.

"Snorting lines in the changing room? Not very lady-like of you, Diaz." A voice said from the entrance.

You turned your head quickly to see Fred Weasley leaning against the wall near the door to the changing room. He walked over to you and sat by the bench near you, not touching the cocaine that was in lines in between the both of you.

"Who said I was lady-like?" You asked him and leaned against the wall.

"Nobody. I just imagined you were." He said. "But clearly, you aren't. No real lady would be snorting coke in the quidditch changing rooms."

"That must mean I'm not a real lady then." You shrugged your shoulders and looked at him. "Did you need something?"

"Not really, just came to check up on you but obviously, you are doing just fine." Fred said with a smirk on his face.

"Yep, I'm doing perfectly." You gave him a fake smile. "Shouldn't you be off somewhere celebrating with your team?"

"No, that's later tonight." He said and you rolled your eyes.

"Of course it is." You said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked.

"Nothing." You said. "Congrats on the win."

"Thanks, Diaz. How's your arm?" He asked.

"Bad." You pulled up your right sleeve and showed him your arm, the bruising was already getting a lot worse.

"Shit. Sorry." He said and bit the inside of his mouth.

"It's fine, it's nothing too bad, honestly." You told him.

"I'm still really sorry, I didn't mean to hit you that hard." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "George got hit too, if that helps."

"I know." You told him. "It was Miranda who hit him."

"Wright done that?" He asked and you nodded. "Woah, didn't think she'd have the guts to do that."

"Why wouldn't she have the guts to hit someone with a bludger?" You asked.

"Come on.. it's Wright, she isn't exactly strong and powerful." He said.

He wasn't lying so you couldn't be mad at that.

"Can I get some?" He pointed down at the likes of cocaine on the bench.

"Go for it, it was your friend who gave it to me so why the hell not?" You shrugged your shoulders.

"Really? Lee gave this to you?" Fred asked.

"It's sad that you automatically knew it was Lee." You laughed and he looked at you. "Sorry, I'll shut up now."

"Good." He looked back down to the cocaine.

He put a finger up to his nostril and snorted the powder that you left on the bench. He put his head up to look at the ceiling and you watched as he let the cocaine digest into her nose properly.

Fred looked kind of.. handsome. You immediately shook that thought out of your head and also snorted a line of cocaine after him.

The two of ended up finishing the one bag that Lee gave you on the train, then you finished getting ready with Fred watching you and the two of you headed off to lunch. You walked off in front of him so you weren't leaning in with him and so nobody would ask anything.

You joined your two friends and didn't let either one of them get a good look at your eyes. They both know that you hate weed, which is drugs, so they both think that you will be against drugs forever, but you aren't now. Now, you are just going to use drugs as a way to escape the reality of your life, not for fun.

"So, Kendra, why did you take so long in the changing rooms, huh?" Miranda nudged you.

"I was just looking at my arm for a while." You lied to your best friend.

"Did you end up getting it checked out?" Noah asked you and looked at you, so you looked down.

"No, I don't really want to." You told him.

"Why not? Kendra, you have to get it checked out, it could be something really bad or serious." Noah said. "Please, go to the hospital wing."

"I will after lunch, I want some food right now so it can wait for later." You told him and put some food on your plate.

You ate with Noah and Miranda until there was only crumbs on your plate. Once you were finished with your food, you decided to go to the hospital wing because the pain killers you took were starting to wear off.

Miranda and Noah went back to your dorm room to hang out and wait for you to be done in the hospital wing.

You talked to Madam Pomfrey for a little bit about what happened before she placed you in a hospital bed, saying you wouldn't be there for too long, which was good.

"Kendra Diaz?" A familiar voice said from the bed next to you. "Hey, it's been a while."

You turned your head to look over at the person who was speaking to you, and smiled almost straight away. It was your old best friend, you two slowly drifted away two years ago and you had recently started missing her again. It was kind of fate that she was here too.

"Hey, Astoria, how are you?" You asked her.

"I've been good, you?" She asked you.

"I'm good, thanks. Why are you here?" You questioned your old best friend.

"You know that fight that happened after the quidditch match?" She asked and you nodded. "Yeah, I was kind of dragged into that by Angelina Johnson because I was trying to get George Weasley off of Pucey."

"Shit. Did you get hurt a lot?" You asked and she pulled her trouser leg up just above her knee.

Her entire knee looked busted. A lot of the skin had peeled off and there was dry blood dripping all the way down her calf and even all over her knee.

"Ouch. That must've hurt." You said and she winced as she pulled her trouser leg back up.

"It did, it just like hell." She told you.

Word Count : 1060

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