•Part twelve

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After you left Fred in your dorm all alone, you went to yours and Noah's special spot to join him. He was sat on a small roof ledge with a joint in his mouth, taking a long drag.

"What took you so long?" Noah asked as you sat down next to him.

"I ran into Prince and Leah, so I was talking to them for a few minutes." You lied.

"Oh, okay." He nodded his head. "Look, I wanted to talk to you about something, about someone."

"Someone?" You asked he slowly nodded. "Okay. Talk to me."

"Do you remember there was this Gryffindor girl at the party last night?" Noah asked.

"Yeah, you were talking to her for like, the whole night." You laughed.

"We're going on a date tonight." He said. "Is that okay with you?"

"Noah, you don't have to ask me permission to go on a date, I don't mind." You smiled at him.

"I know but I didn't want to just go and have you find out from someone else." He told you. "But I really like her, I like her a lot."

"I'm not going to stand in the way of you and your relationship, you know that, Noah." You rested your head on his shoulder.

"I know, I just wanted to let you know that I'm stopping this sex thing we have." He said. "We were only friends with benefits and nothing more, so it shouldn't change anything with us now, right?"

"Why would it change anything? You are still my best friend. Just because we've had sex, doesn't mean it will change our friendship." You told him.

"Thank you for being understanding about it." He said and took another hit from his joint.

"That's what friends are for. I'm proud of you, Noah." You said. "Tell me about her."

You and Noah talked for a while about the girl her met, he told you all about her. From the colour of her hair to the colour of her nails, he knew lots about her.

Right as you two were about to leave the rooftop you were on, Noah noticed red marks getting darker on your neck. He started laughing whilst pointing them out, so you awkward tried to cover them with your shirt.

"Who gave you those?" Noah laughed and pointy at the hickeys forming properly on your neck.

"No one!" You covered them up as much as possible.

"Bullshit, Kendra, who gave you those hickeys? You can't give yourself hickeys, we both know that." Noah told you.

"I don't know, it was a drunken mistake." You lied, it definitely wasn't a mistake to you.

"Sure it was." He nodded his head slowly.

The two of you walked back into the main castle grounds whilst talking about the hickeys on your neck and who gave them to you. You didn't give Noah that satisfaction of knowing you gave you hickeys, but he kept on trying to get it out of you.

When you two met up with Miranda and Astoria, Noah told them about the hickeys all over your neck almost straight away. Shortly after, they didn't stop going on about them either, all three of them bugged you about it.

You four were walking around the castle and making your way up to the Slytherin dorms when a lot of people started running around. Everybody was running everywhere and there was so many people, you and your three friends were getting caught in a giant crowd of people.

You got split up from your friends but two people saw you and approached you together.

"I found her and she was asking where you were, she's scared, Kendra." Fred said with Leah standing next to him. "She has a really good reason to be scared."

"What's happening?" You asked him and held onto Leah's hand so she wouldn't get lost too.

"Sirius Black is here." Fred told you and you now realised why everybody was running around and acting completely crazy.

"What?" Your eyes widened slightly, you felt Leah's hand start shaking.

"Look, I've got to go find Ginny, let me know if you see her please." He said and didn't give you a chance to speak before running off.

You were looking around and didn't notice Leah's hand drop from yours, she had completely disappeared. You now started to panic and look around for anyone you know, wether it was one of Prince's friends or one of your own.

"Leah?" You shouted in the crowd of people. "Leah!"

You rushed around trying to find your little sister but had no luck. You saw Miranda and Astoria go into a classroom so Astoria wouldn't get her knee trampled on, but there was no sign of Noah. You ran over and followed them into the classroom, very worried for Leah.

"Have you two seen Leah?" You asked both of them.

"No, is she lost?" Miranda said after helping Astoria sit down to rest her knee.

"Yeah, I can't find her anyone. She was with me and I was talking to someone, then she completely disappeared." You said, panicked.

"I'm sure she's fine, just wait here for the crowd to die down and then we can go look for her." Miranda said, trying to calm you down.

"I can't just wait! That's my little sister out there and she might be in danger, it's Sirius Black, for fuck sake." You raised your voice.

"Go and try find her now then, don't bother waiting for people to get out of the way and you go get yourself lost!" Miranda raised her voice back at you.

"Shut up, both of you!" Astoria shouted then lowered her voice. "Just wait a minute, I'm sure Dumbledore will call everybody into the Great Hall and you can then try find Leah."

"I don't want to wait." You shook your head. "I can't wait."

"You have to." Miranda and Astoria said in unison. "It's for your own safety, Kendra."

Word Count : 1002

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