•Part thirteen

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You waited a minute or two for the crowd in the corridor to die down a bit before running out their to try find Leah. You looked around the hallways around you but she was nowhere to be seen, you had looked almost everywhere she could have went in such short time but had no luck.

The only other place she could be was outside of the castle, probably on the quidditch pitch. After realising that she was most definitely there, you ran as fast as you could to the pitch.

Your guess was right, Leah was there and so was somebody else. Sirius Black was standing right in front of her with his wand in his hand, it looked like he was about to hurt her. Neither one of them had noticed you standing there yet, but you noticed the tears on Leah's face.

Black was raising his wand up slowly, but he was still raising it, so you ran over and stood right in front of Leah with your own wand in your hand. Sirius lowered his wand now.

Leah's shaking body was stood behind you, her hand holding your free hand and sobs leaving her mouth. She was so scared and you didn't blame her, you were getting scared too but had to put on a brave face for your younger sister.

"Kendra Diaz. Merlin, you've gotten so big!" Sirius Black exclaimed. "I remember when you were her age, you look the same."

"You know nothing about my family, what the fuck do you want?" You said as he moved closer to you and Leah, you now holding your wand right in front of you in case he tried to do something.

"I just came to say hello to my darling nieces and nephew, where is Prince?" Black asked, looking around.

"Nieces and nephew?" You asked then shook your head. "Forget it, leave my little sister alone."

"Kendra-" he started walking towards you and Leah so you held your wand closer to him.

He backed up and held his hands up, saying he doesn't want any trouble but you kept your wand up to protect you and Leah.

Sirius Black opened his mouth to talk, his hands still up, but got stopped by a spell being cast on him. It was a border spell, one that created some sort of bubble around him so he couldn't move or even talk.

Dumbledore was standing there with Mcgonagall, wands in both of their hands, and he was the one who cast the spell.

"Step away from the students." Dumbledore said to Sirius.

"Girls." Mcgonagall waved you and Leah over to her and the two of you went running. "Let's get you back inside, you must be freezing."

Professor Mcgonagall took both you and Leah inside to the Great Hall, where sleeping bags were laid out on the entire floor. There was people everywhere around the room, and you saw Prince talking to your friends, he looked worried.

As you, Leah and Mcgonagall walked into the entrance of the Great Hall, Prince noticed you and her and he came running over straight away. He hugged Leah tightly and bought you into the hug too, hugging both of you very tightly.

"You two are okay." He pulled away from the hug and looked at you and Leah. "What happened?"

"Sirius Black took me." Leah told him and his eyes widened a lot. "I'm okay though, Kendra came to help me."

"Did he hurt any of you?" He said and grabbed both of your heads, looking you and her in the eye. "Are you sure you are okay?"

"We're fine, Dumbledore and Mcgonagall found us before he done anything." You told your worried older brother. "He did say something strange though."

"What did he say?" Prince said and the three of you started walking towards yours and his friends.

"He said he wanted to see his nieces and nephew, us three." You said and Prince stopped walking.

"He's our uncle?" He said, shocked.

"Apparently. I don't believe it though." You told him.

"Okay, let me talk to Mcgonagall and you two stay here and stay safe." Prince said then rushed off to find Mcgonagall again.

"Can I go to my friends?" Leah asked you.

"Only if you promise to stay with them at all times." You told her.

"I promise, I'll come find you if I need you." Leah told you.

"Good, love you." You said and watched as she rushed off to the other side of the Great Hall.

You were still watching her when your eyes fell to someone else in the room, his eyes locking with yours. His eyes bolted to the door of the Great Hall and you nodded discretely.

You told your friends you would be back in a few minutes before walking to the door before Fred did, waiting for him outside. He followed you out and saw you waiting, he didn't say a word before wrapping his arms around you.

"I was watching you, I saw you go into that classroom with your friends but then you completely disappeared." He said, his arms still wrapped around your body. "I couldn't find you anywhere, I was starting to get worried for you."

"I'm fine, it's okay." You said and went to pull away from the hug, but he didn't let you. "Fred, I'm seriously okay."

He kissed the top of your head and pulled away from you.

"You really were worried, weren't you?" You looked into his eyes.

"Of course I was, you worried me." He told you. "Don't disappear on me again, okay?"

"I won't, I promise." You told him. "Why is there sleeping bags in there?"

"Everybody's sleeping down here tonight because of Sirius Black. Sadly, it means we can't sleep together now." Fred sighed.

"Who said we were going to sleep together? What if I just used you for the fun, just to tease you?" You said and he gave you a serious look.

"If you only done that earlier to tease me, then it worked because I had blue balls when you left." He said.

Word Count : 1026

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