•Part seventeen

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Two days had passed and you were still in the hospital wing, trying to recover and process everything that happened.you hadn't moved out of the bed, you didn't have the energy to.

All of your friends had come to visit you along with Prince, but he didn't want Leah to see you like that and you understood completely. You hadn't spoken much in the past two days because you didn't know what to say.

Fred hadn't left your side for the entire two days, he would be sat in the chair next to your hospital bed at all times. He didn't want to leave you because when he did, you ended up in the hospital.

Noah and Prince both got detention for two months with very strict monitoring as they ended up putting Adrian Pucey in the hospital wing with you. Pucey's fractured two ribs, broke his nose and almost broke his jaw permanently because of Noah and Prince.

When he came into the hospital wing with a few other Slytherin's, you had a huge panic attack but luckily, Fred and Prince were there. They helped you through it and Pucey was gone shortly after he arrived there.

Fred was still sat in the chair next to your bed, he was sat there in silence and was waiting for you to talk if you wanted to. Nobody else was here as they all had class, but Fred was refusing to go to class without you.

"I'm sorry." You spoke quietly and it startled Fred.

"What?" Fred asked and sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, Freddie. I'm sorry I didn't come to your game, I'm sorry you had to see me like that, I'm so sorry." You looked over at him

"No, love, don't do that. Don't apologise, you don't have to." He said and grabbed your hand.

"I do, I missed your game." You said and bit then inside of your cheek.

"Fuck the game, okay? You are more important, I don't care about quidditch as much as you." He said, squeezing your hand.

You pulled his hand closer to you, pulling him out of his seat and making him stand up. You moved your blanket over and patted the area on your bed next to you, so he smiled and sat down on your bed, covering himself with the blanket. His arms wrapped around you and you snuggled into his warm chest, still holding his hand.

"You are my saviour, Fred Gideon Weasley."

"And you are my girl, Kendra Gabrielle Diaz."

"How did you know my middle name?"

"Prince told me."


Fred and you fell asleep shortly after he climbed into your hospital bed and you two slept for quite a while. When you woke up, Fred was still asleep so you made sure to be extra quiet so he could rest properly.

Not long after you woke up, Noah, Miranda and Astoria came up to the hospital wing to spend some time with you after the school day. They were also quiet when talking to you because Fred was still sleeping.

"He hasn't slept properly since you've been in here, you know?" Noah looked at Fred's sleeping body and chucked slightly.

"Really?" You asked and looked at your hand which was still locked with Fred's hand.

"Yeah. I asked him about it the other day and he said he didn't want to sleep, he wanted to stay awake to protect you." Noah said and you smiled brightly.

"You two are really cute together." Astoria smiled along with you and Noah.

Miranda hadn't spoken much since she's been here, she had been a lot more quiet today than any other time she had been here visiting you. Something was off about her today, and you were growing even more confused.

"Miranda, you okay?" You asked and grabbed your hand with your free hand, looking into her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Are you?" She looked right back into your eyes and squeezed your hand.

"Are you sure, you don't seem alright?" You gave her a look.

"I hate seeing you like this." She admitted, her voice breaking a little bit. "I hate the idea of knowing that you couldn't talk to us, that you couldn't talk to me."

Noah and Astoria didn't say anything and neither did you, you just looked in Miranda's eyes as she spoke.

"I'm your best friend, you should be able to come to me with anything." Miranda said and sighed. "You decided to almost kill yourself instead though."

"Miranda, don't." Noah looked at her.

"No, it's fine." You looked at Noah and then back to Miranda. "I needed to hear that. I'm sorry, Miranda."

"You don't have to say sorry, I just want you to come to me next time something bad happens or if you feel like this." Miranda sighed and noticed a tear fall from your eye.

She lent over to you and wiped the year away from your face with her thumb. She sat back down in her chair as Prince came into the hospital wing.

He said hello to everybody and kissed you on the top of your head, asking how you are feeling today. He stayed for around half an hour before it was time for him and Noah to go to their third detention for what they done to Pucey. They detentions were an hour long, so they left as soon as possible so they could leave their detention quicker.

Fred woke up just as Noah and Prince were leaving, so they both said hello and goodbye to him before actually leaving the hospital wing. Miranda, Astoria, Fred and you talked for a while before they also left so they could shower and get ready for school tomorrow.

Astoria mentioned how she was going to talk to Mcgonagall to see if she was able to swap dorm rooms. If it worked out well, her and someone in your dorm would be swapping and she would now officially be a member of yours and Miranda's dorm room.

She was there all the time already so why would it make a difference?

Word Count : 1023

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