•Part eighteen

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Two weeks had passed and you were now out of the hospital wing and had been for a week. Madam Pomfrey wanted to keep you in there for extra time and discuss counselling or something like that to help your mental health. Your turned down her offer for help, you didn't want to feel like even more of a burden.

Astoria did end up moving into your dorm room and was now settled in properly. Prince and Noah were still doing hour long detentions after the school day because they out Adrian Pucey into the hospital wing. Miranda was still upset that you didn't talk to her before ending up in the hospital wing, but you two talked about it and she understood why you did what you did.

All of your friends and Prince knew about what Adrian Pucey done to you and how you ended up in the hospital wing. You wanted it to stay a secret but it was hard to do that when everybody was visiting you all day everyday.

Leah came to see you the second you got out of the hospital wing and was settled in your dorm. She didn't know about why you were in there but she knew you were in there. Both you and Prince didn't think it was right to tell her as she was only eleven.

"There's news about a Halloween party in the Great Hall." Fred told you in potions class.

"I know, my friends came up with the idea." You told him, writing in your book.

"Really?" He asked and you nodded your head. "Are you going?"

"Probably, I'm not one hundred percent sure yet." You shrugged your shoulders and sat up straight.

"I think you should. I'm going and it would make my night a whole lot better if you go." Fred winked at you and your smiled.

"I'll think about it but I might be busy on Halloween." You told him.

"What might you be doing?" He asked.

"It's my birthday so me, Prince and Leah might do something together." You told him.

"It's your birthday on Halloween?" His eyes widened. "How did I not know this?"

"Because I don't like my birthday so I don't brag about it and how many days until I turn sixteen." You shrugged.

"It's your sixteenth, you have to do more than just hang out with your brother and sister." He exclaimed.

"I am, I'll probably go to the party but that's later on in the day." You told him. "Even if i don't stay there for a while, I'll make an appearance."

"Good." He said. "How are you feeling today?"

"I'm good, thanks." You smiled at him.

"Are you sure?" He asked again.

Ever since you had to be hospitalised, everybody was checking up on you all the time. You knew it was for your own good and safety, but after a while it started getting annoying. You didn't accept counselling because you didn't want to be even more of a burden, but you still felt like a burden because of this.

You and Fred talked for the rest of the lesson, still learning about the Amortentia, the strongest love potion ever made.

Fred and you hadn't talked about you two having sex at all since it happened, and you felt like you had to talk to him about it soon. You felt kind of weird, almost like there was something serious whilst you were having sex.

Sometime soon, you would talk to Fred about it and how you fell. You never know, you might become something more than just a small little one time thing that happened. You just didn't want to make things awkward if he didn't have the same feelings as you.

You don't love him, but you don't just like him. He was more than a friend but less than a boyfriend to you, you thought. You weren't sure.

It was now the end of potions and that was the last lesson of the day, so you were standing outside of the classroom waiting Astoria. Today was her last appointment at the hospital wing for her knee and everything should be fine now, she won't need crutches anymore.

"We don't have any classes together until your birthday, so I'll see you on Halloween at the party?" Fred leant against the wall, looking into your eyes.

"Yes, I'll see you there." You said and watched as his lips formed into a bright smile.

He didn't say anything, he just lent in and placed a kiss on your cheek. Fred then got dragged off somewhere by George, him winking at you before turning around the corner. 

Astoria then came out of the classroom and the two of you headed up to the hospital wing together.

"There's a quidditch match on your birthday  against Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. We're all going, you coming?" Astoria asked whilst waiting for some medication for her knee.

"Why not? I'll go." You shrugged.

"Good, it was my job to get you to say yes." She said and you gave her a confused look. "You'll find out."

Halloween was a Saturday, so you didn't have any classes of any sorts. You also had no homework so you were definitely free to go to the match.

You and Astoria talked for a little while longer whilst she was sat in a bed waiting for medication. Her knee was pretty much completely better and she didn't need crutches now, but one of the bones in her knee is still a little bit damaged so she has to take medication every morning and night for a week.

On the bright side, she could now walk normally.

Once she got her medication, you and her took off and headed to the Slytherin dungeons. Miranda wasn't there but there was a note.

I'll be out late working on my Halloween costume with someone, it's going to be amazing! Don't wait up - MW x

You threw the note away and got ready for bed, Astoria doing the same, and you two then talked until you fell asleep.

Word Count : 1021

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