•Part ten

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Yours and Fred's time in the broom closet was now over and it was time to join everybody else and continue the game of truth or dare. You stood up and pulled your sleeve back down to cover your arm, Fred grabbed your hand and tried to get you to sit back down but you didn't.

Instead of sitting down, you opened the closet door and walked out. You sat back down in the circle and Fred shortly came out of the closet and sat back down in his seat. The two of you didn't talk for the rest of the night but you ended up getting very drunk.

Noah had ran off somewhere with a random girl from Gryffindor and the other two were nowhere to be seen, you hadn't seen them for a while. The only people around that you actually knew and talked to, was Lee, Fred and George.

Lee and George were talking to Fred when Lee noticed you laying on the couch, surrounded by random boys that you didn't know. They were watching over you and laughing next to you whilst you were basically unconscious due to the amount of alcohol you had drunk.

Lee pointed it out to Fred, so Fred wasn't talking anymore and he was watching the boys near you in case they tried to do something. He wasn't that far away from the couch you were laying on, so he was watching very closely.

He was trying to read their lips and hear what they were saying, but he could hear or see what the boys around you were talking about. Fred kept on trying to listen in on their conversation but soon saw something he didn't like.

Something he hated.

Fred saw one of the eight boys surrounding you place a hand on your thigh, slowly dragging it to your upper thigh. Before he could do anything else like keep on moving his hand further up or even to pull it away, a fist landed in his face.

The other seven guys started arguing with the person who threw the lunch, George, whilst Lee ran over to back him up in case he needed him to. Fred picked you up and carried your drunk body up to his dorm room and opened the door, carrying you inside.

He laid your almost unconscious body on his bed and covered you in a blanket after taking your shoes off and putting them on the floor. Fred got a pillow and blanket and put them on the floor in between his bed and another bed, laying down with his head on the pillow and the blanket on his body.

Fred ended up falling asleep pretty quickly, just like you, who ended up passing out in his bed almost straight away. George and Lee came back to the dorm, untouched, and went to bed.


You woke up to nobody in the dorm, you didn't know where you were as you had never been here. As you sat up in the random bed you had woken up in, someone came out of the bathroom.

"Your awake." Fred said and sat on the bed opposite to the one you were sat up in.

"What am I doing here?" You asked Fred.

"Last night, you got pretty drunk and there were some sketchy seventh years were touching you." Fred told you. "I didn't like it, so I got Lee and George to sort them out and I took you here."

"Did we.. do anything?" You asked him and rubbed your arm.

"No. I would never do that when your unconscious, or even drunk." He said. "I just put you in my bed and let you sleep, I slept on the floor."

"You didn't have to do that, Fred." You told him.

"Do what, protect you against some drunk dicks?" He looked at you. "I done it to protect you, I didn't want something bad happening."

"You also didn't have to sleep on the floor, I wouldn't have minded." You told him.

"You weren't conscious to say yes, it doesn't matter what it's about." He told you. "When's you first class today?"

"I don't have any today." You told him.

"Good, want to spend the day together?" He asked and you smiled.

"That would be nice, yeah." You said. "Do you have something for hangovers in here?"

"Yeah, let me grab you something." He got off of the bed and wondered into the bathroom.

He came out with a cup of water and two tablets, so you took them with the water and then the two of you spent the day together.

Fred tried to talk about what happened in the broom closet whilst playing truth or dare, but you kept on awkwardly changing the subject no matter what he said or done. You didn't want to talk about it, you just wanted to forget about what he saw and how he reacted.

Whilst most people were in lessons and you and Fred weren't, you took him to your dorm. Looks were given by a few Slytherin's in the common room, but you both ignored them and he followed you up to your dorm.

When you opened the door and walked in, he looked around for a little while. He sat down on your bed and you sat down on Miranda's, facing him and talking to him.

"What's wrong, you seem freaked out?" You asked him.

"I'm fine, it's just weird. This place is weird, I've never been in a Slytherin dorm room before." Fred said.

"What's weird about it? It's just like every other dorm room, nothings different." You shrugged your shoulders.

"Yeah it is, it's all green and black." He said. "It's weird in here."

"It's not weird." You laughed. "It's just because you are used to seeing red and gold, the schools most stupid colours."

"Your just jealous that I'm in a better house than you." He said and you threw a pillow at him.

"A better house?" You laughed. "Oh please, you wish you were in Slytherin."

He threw the pillow back in your face and the two of you started having a pillow fight.

Word Count : 1034

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