the murder of the high school student

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The three of us sat at the counter, looking at the TV that played the news. We stayed quiet as we tried to process what we just heard.

"I feel so bad for the family," I said, breaking the silence and receiving a nod from Steve and Robin. 

We went into a short silence again until we heard a doorbell ringing. Turning our heads to look at the customers who walked in, we saw that it was Dustin and Max.

"Hey, Steve," Dustin said.

"You see this?" Steve said while pointing at the tv screen.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin asked in a hurry.

"Someone was murdered," Steve exclaimed.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin repeated.

"Two," Steve answered, furrowing his eyebrows. "Why?"

"Technically three, if you count Keith's," Robin added.

"Yeah, three works," Max said, looking at Dustin who began to take off his backpack.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked Dustin who ignored him.

Dustin flung the bag off at the counter before jumping over the counter as well, his feet knocking down the tapes that Steve put there.

"Dude what are you doing?" I asked as the bag almost hit me.

"My pile!" Robin cried.

"No, no, no! My tapes! Dude." Steve yelled as Dustin landed on the floor. "What are you doing, man?" He asked Dustin who sat down at the computer.

"Setting up a base of operations here." He answered as he continued to hit the buttons on the keyboard, typing something.

I decided to walk over to Steve so I could see what Dustin was doing. "Base of operations?" I asked as I rest my hand on the table.

"Get off," Steve demanded.

"I need it," Dustin argued back.

"For what?" I asked.

"Eddie's friends' phone numbers," Dustin replied, still not taking his eyes off the screen.

"Your new best friend you think is cooler because he plays your nerdy game?" Steve said, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

I cleared my throat, catching Steve's attention. "Nerdy game?" I asked sarcastically while crossing my arms.

"I didn't mean it like that, know, I meant it like," Steve continued. "When you play it, it's cool and you look hot while focusing, but when they play it, it's...nerdy."

"Babe?" I said, still crossing my arms.

"Yeah?" Steve said, raising his eyebrows.

"I was joking," I answered.

Steve shifted in his spot. "Yeah, yeah, I knew that."

"Also," Dustin piped in. "yeah, I never said that." Dustin defended.

"Seriously, you guys," Robin who continued to pick up the mess that Dustin made, piped in. "maybe on Monday you can play around, but it's Saturday." She continued. "It's our busiest day."

"Robin, I empathize, but this cannot wait," Dustin said in a monotone voice.

"Oh, my, God," Steve grumbled, placing his hands on his face.

"What," Robin snapped as she began to wave around the papers that she held in her arms. "Calling Eddie's friends is an emergency?"

"Correct!" Dustin snapped back.

Better babysitter // Steve Harrington x Reader //Where stories live. Discover now