Chapter 2

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"Good Morning 19!"

"Morning captain!" Echoed around the beanery, mouths full of eggs and bacon.

Andy pulled up a chair, grabbing a small plate of breakfast and asked everyone how their night was. There was idle chitter chatter about TV shows watched, runs that were had and takeaways ordered. Just as Andy was about to leave for her office, Vic walked in.

"Hughes! How nice of you to join us!" The Captain yelled, as she walked through the doors smiling from ear to ear.

"Sorry Cap, but I ate at home so treated myself to a few extra minutes in bed!"

"Oh my god Travis, do you see what I'm seeing?" Dean asked, a little over enthusiastically.

"Oooooh you know what, I think I do! Vic's got the sex swagger!" He shouted.

"What, I don't" Vic nervously but loudly stated.

"Who's the guy?!" "Do we know him?" "Is it Mr. Station 23?!" She heard emanating from her teammates.

"No one.. Just a very handsome man blanket I may or may not have been trapped underneath this morning!" She whisper shouted whilst grabbing a piece of bacon and waving it in the air like it was an everyday occurrence.

"Leave her alone you guys! Line up in 5!" Andy chuckled, smiling at Vic with a look insinuating that she fill her in later on the juicy details.

"Just because you're loved up with your super secret husband that no one gets to know about" Jack shot back at the captain.

Rolling her eyes, Andy spoke quickly asking Jack to kindly get over that small detail of her life. Vic headed to the locker room to get changed before line up and everyone else began to clean up and head towards the barn.

"Ok so today is the perfect day to make this station spotless! Choose amongst yourselves who cleans what but I want this place glistening for the joint training event we have with station 88 next shift!"

Montgomery's ears twitched at the mention of station 88 and the corners of his mouth curled upwards ever so slightly. Vic taking notice of this nudged him in his side giving him a wink and a flirtatious wiggle of her hips.

Andy, choosing not to comment on what they were doing continued with her morning briefing.

"We know we're the best station for call times and lives saved so lets show them how a house with outstanding firefighters should be kept! The chief has closed our station for half of the shift allowing us time to prepare, however, for the second half; Montgomery and Hughes, aid car! Myself, Warren and Bishop will be on engine! Gibson and Miller, ladder and Cutler at the desk."

"Yes Cap!" Was heard throughout.

"19!" Shouted Andy.

"19!" The team returned.


Herrera turned to head towards her office listening to the comments and jokes everyone was making towards Travis and his husband. She smiled to herself, closed the door and took out her phone to call her husband. "Checking on her just once won't hurt, will it?" She thought to herself.

After just 2 rings Robert picked up.

"Ahh so 30 minutes you made it today without checking in!" He laughed, slightly mocking his wife.

"I promise to just call this one time, I know she was sad I couldn't stay this morning so I'm just making sure she's settled."

"We're absolutely fine I promise, we've made smoothies and now we're knee deep in the sing-a-long version of Frozen." He chuckled at the sight of his daughter pretending to hold a microphone. "I Promise I'll call if I need you, get back to work, we'll see you soon. I love you. Be safe."

"I love you more, I promise."

Andy felt much better knowing two of her favourite people were ok. She opened her door and sat down at her desk, beginning to sift through the small pile of paperwork that had crept up on her. There was a knock on her door and when she looked up she saw the fire chief stood in her doorway.

"Chief!" She said, a smile forming on her face. "What are you doing here?"

"Morning Herrera. I just popped in to see Sully and brief you on the joint training day next week with 88."

"Robert's not here Luke, he's home with Vannah she's not been very well this week." A tone of sadness in her voice.

"Oh I'm sorry, I'll pop by the house, maybe a visit from Uncle Luke will cheer her up." He grinned.

"I'm sure she would love that. But maybe give it an hour unless you want to be caught giving your own rendition of Let It Go!" Andy said, laughing.

"Anything for my princess!" As he gestured widely with his arms. "I did also want to quickly discuss some things for next shift though if you've got time?"

"Of course, you've closed us for half the shift chief so I'm all ears." She waived her hands in the air for him to continue.

"Great, so I would really like it if A shift could run some drills with partners from 88. If we could get everyone on par with Vic's breathing rates whilst on oxygen we'd manage so many more hot saves!" He said excitedly.

"Vic? Since when do you call her Vic?" She cocked her eye and looked up at Lucas, waiting for an answer.

"I, Hughes, I..I meant Hughes" he said ever so quickly, running his hand through his hair awkwardly.

"Oh my god! You're the handsome man blanket she woke up under this morning aren't you?! What?! How did I not see this earlier?! That's why you're really here isn't it?" She said, bouncing up and down, her eyes wide open realising she'd just discovered their secret. "Does Robert know?"

Lucas looked stunned and visibly angry with himself that he'd been so careless with their secret.

"I...I... yes, ok, we've been dating for months now and it's getting really serious." He held up one hand to prevent Andy from interrupting him as he continued. "I did actually come to the station to speak to Sully though, I want to ask her to marry me and I needed his advice!.. To answer your other question, no, he doesn't know yet."

"Marry you! Exactly how long is 'months'?! This is huge. I can't believe it. I'm so happy for you Luke!" She said as she embraced him. "Go and see him! Just, please don't mention it around Vannah because she'll want to meet Vic but Robert and I need to discuss that first."

"Of course. I'll see you later Ands." He said as he turned to walk away.

"Oh and a little FYI, Vic's in the locker room" she said winking at Luke.

He chuckled and not so subtly headed directly there.

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