Chapter 17

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*At the hospital 2 hours later*

Andy and Enzo had fallen asleep in the room but Robert's mind was in overdrive and he was getting restless. He wrote her a note saying he'd gone to check on Luke and to ring him if the doctors come back with any results.

Visiting hours had only just opened so there wasn't anyone in the Chief's room yet. Robert went to sit by his bed and began to explain all about Enzo and the thoughts he had from yesterday.

"You need to wake up Luke. I need you, Vic needs you, Andy needs you, Jen needs you, my kids need you and the department needs you. I know that's selfish but it's true, you're so good to so many people." Robert began shouting now, getting angry at the world but projecting on to Luke. He was too wrapped up in his rant to notice that he was choking and trying to pull out his intubation tube. The machines beeping suddenly pulled Robert's focus and he quickly went to the side of his bed. A doctor came rushing in and Robert thought something was wrong.

"What's wrong?! Luke! You're awake!" Robert turned to the doctor. "What's wrong with him?!"

"Sir he's fighting the intubation, that's a very good thing. I need to take it out so he can breathe on his own."

"Ok ok, Luke, man, you scared us. It is so good to see those ugly eyes of yours" He smiled as he spoke, so happy his best friend was Ok.

Luke was coughing non stop while he got used to having the tube out. Robert got him a cup of water with a straw and gave him a drink.

"Sully, is she ok?" he whispered through a strained throat.

"She'll be a thousand times better now that you're awake, but yes Luke, she's absolutely fine."

"As much as I love you, why are you here and not her? I mean you're pretty to look at and all but you're not quite Vic." A half chuckle coming from him now.

"Aha, I believe she's on her way, I'll give her a call really quick."

Robert popped outside to call Vic.

*Phone Call*

Vic: "Chief, is everything ok?"

Robert: "Hughes, I just wanted you to know that Luke's awake, his voice is a little strained from the intubation but other than that he seems to be back to his regular self. He's asking for you."

Vic: "Thank you so much for the update sir, I'm on my way" she said, almost crying.

Robert: "It's good news Hughes, he's ok."

Vic: "I know, I know, i'll see you soon sir."

Robert went back in and told Luke that his girl was on her way. He asked simple yes or no questions about his trip to see Jenifer so he didn't strain his voice too much. Luke was still in a lot of pain but asked the nurse to hold off on the morphine until after Vic had seen him so he could be more alert to speak to her.

"Sully, where's my Ands, the kids are in school right? Where is she?" Luke asked.

Robert just looked at Luke and rubbed his hand over his head nervously. "She's umm... busy today but I'll get her to come and see you soon."

"Busy with what? Sully what's wrong? You suddenly look like you've seen a ghost."

"She's uhhh, she's on the paeds floor.. she uhh.."

"Paeds floor?" Luke tried to whisper yell.

"Don't move or get worked up Luke you'll pull out your stitches." Robert said trying to diffuse the situation.

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