Chapter 15

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*At the hospital, several hours have passed*

As the scene of the crash was dying down with all fires contained or extinguished, Batt. Chief Sullivan was able to leave command to the captain of 88 and drove his car straight to the hospital. The whole ride there he was going over the worst case scenarios for his best friend. 'Was he going to make it?' 'What about Vic?' 'Is Andy with her now?' 'How will he tell Savannah her Uncle has gone?' Then he thought about what would happen when he got there. All he wanted to do was hug his wife and feel her warmth, her love and comfort. He needed her to tell him it was all going to be OK. It wasn't the time for being a big strong battalion chief he just felt like crumbling and letting the ground swallow him whole. He could feel tears forming in the corner of his eyes as he tried to blink them away.

Andy was sat on a sofa in the waiting room with Vic, her head resting in her lap stroking her hair, her feet on Travis' knees. Travis had put two and two together that Vic's man blanket was in fact the chief. He didn't need to say anything to her, he didn't need to cloud her thoughts with more drama so he just soothingly stroked her back and held her legs close to him. The rest of the team, having also assumed they were on the plane together had so many questions, but thought it best not to ask her given the current circumstances. They were all sat in the waiting room with her, staying together as a family. Andy kept looking at her phone to see if Robert had messaged or rung her, when the sound of the double doors opening made her look up and she saw him practically run to the reception desk.

"Chief" Dean called out, standing up from his seat.

Robert's head whipped round to the team, he first clocked eyes on his wife but quickly looked away knowing he would fall to pieces there and then if he looked in to her big beautiful eyes. "Miller, 19, anyone got an update on the chief? Why are we all still here? Did nobody go back to the station?" He asked quickly, stumbling through his train of thought.

"We couldn't get an update, you're his emergency contact they won't tell us anything. We're staying in solidarity with..." He paused, wondering if he should out the chief and Vic's relationship to his battalion Chief, "with Vic." He said softly, glancing over at her whimpering on the sofa.

"Right" he nodded, "how's he doing? What do we know?!"

Dean was a little puzzled that Sullivan didn't react more to the news but then shrugged it off seeing as he knew he was friends with the chief. "He's in surgery, has been for *looks at his watch* wow, several hours now, Dr Bailey came out to update us once but couldn't say anything more than the fact he was still in surgery because you weren't here. We're just waiting for Dr Pierce to finish and then come out and tell us that he's ok herself." He sat back down.

"Ok, great, thank you. 19, you all did great work today," turning to Andy he then said "and thanks to your quick thinking Captain Herrera there were very minimal casualties and only 2 fatalities."

"Thanks chief" all but Vic replied.

"I'm going to clean up a little, I'll be back" the chief said, aiming the last of his statement at Andy.

Andy looked down at Vic, silently asking if she could go and check on him. Vic didn't need to answer, she just lifted her head, turned around and put her arms around Travis' neck, her soft whimpering now returning.

"Shh I've got you." Travis whispered as he stroked her back.

Andy stood up and declared that she needed to go to the bathroom. "If anything happens, someone ring or text me asap."

"Copy Cap" they said in unison, and she left through the doors.

Andy knew that it was a terrible excuse to use so that she could go after Robert, but she had hoped that the team were too preoccupied with comforting Vic to notice. She moved quickly down the corridors following the way to the exit thinking that he would have gone outside to calm down. She turned one of the corners and stopped dead in her tracks. She saw her usually tall and very level headed husband crouched down against the wall, sobbing in to his hands.

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