Chapter 40

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*3 hours later*

Vic and Robert were sat quietly, talking about her baby and how she was going to tell Luke that she was pregnant. Vic didn't want anyone to know and spoil the surprise but she knew she needed to get his mind off the surgery so she went in to great detail. Robert had managed to get Andy to fall asleep on top of him so he was providing gentle hair strokes to keep her calm in the hope that she'd only wake up when he was back. Robert kept looking at his watch because Amelia had said it shouldn't take more than 2 hours and they were nearing 3 and a half at this point. He had spoken to Savannah on the phone earlier and asked her to write down all of the names of the people coming to the 'cabin in the woods' so that she could help him with secret Santa. She happily obliged and instructed Uncle Luke to help her with the spelling. He'd hoped that it would give her something to do and distract her from what was going on... him too.

Just as he was about to ask Vic to go and get an update, the door opened and both Alex and Amelia rolled in his bed. Usually they'd get a surgical intern to let them know how it went but as they were practically all family, they wanted to do it themselves.

"Do you want to wake her?" Amelia asked Robert.

"Honestly, no. I'll tell her when she wakes up. How did it go?"

"Ok" Alex began. "He did brilliantly, he's not had any more bleeds since we took him earlier which is great news. We had one tiny complication whilst we were in surgery, but it was very minor and it just took slightly longer than we thought, that's all."

Before anyone could panic, Amelia took over and began explaining further... "We managed to get the mass with clean margins and that has been sent off to the lab with rushed results so we should hear back by tomorrow morning, his blood vessels were quite damaged, and that was from the weight of the mass pulling them down. However, We have cauterised those and they shouldn't be an issue going forward. There will be some residual bleeding over the next few days which is completely normal and shouldn't cause alarm. But if there are any nosebleeds like before you need to notify us as soon as possible. He should be waking up any time now, but we're going to keep you in overnight for observation. Do you have any questions?"

"No, Thank you, both of you. So much."

"Of course. A nurse will be by every hour to check his vitals, but please, try to rest."

They both left the room and Robert gave a massive sigh of relief. His phone was ringing and it was Luke so he quickly answered it before it woke Andy.

Phone Call

Robert: Hey man, all good?

Luke: All good here, any update? Vannah's asking if she can come and see you all.

Robert: Yeah, Vic was just calling you. He's just comeback from surgery, minor complication but all is well. He should be waking up soon but they're keeping us in overnight. By all means come on down. Will do Andy Good to see the other two. She's asleep now though and I'd like to keep it that way for as long as possible.

Luke: Understood. Will let you know when we arrive and you can tell me if she's still asleep.

Robert: Alright man, see you soon.

"Luke's gonna bring the kids by shortly. Hopefully he'll be awake by then because I don't think Savannah will cope very well seeing him like that."

"No you're right, I'll go and see if he'll gently come round. You keep doing what you're doing. She needs that sleep."

"Thanks, Vic."

Vic went over to Grayson's cot and started to slowly stroke his head. She could see dried blood all around his nose so she took a sponge and some water and tried to clean him up the best she could. He eventually started to stir and kept blinking his eyes.

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