2. Neighbour

288 26 13

morning time

(Y/n pov)

I was peacefully sleeping until my alarm rings ...

Y/n :Aa..a I don't like to wake up early morning please someone off this alarm 😏.

And then I realise that im the only one  at home. How can I forgot that I am at my new house and no one is here. And after some time finally i got up from bed . After completing my daily routine now im ready to go at work (hospital).

 After completing my daily routine now im ready to go at work (hospital)

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Time skip.......

Now I'm at hospital going to my cabin .
HOBI (Jung Ho-Seok's nickname): Hey y/n Good morning!!

Y/n : Good morning hobi.

Hobi : how was your yesterday, did you settled in your new place ?

Y/n : yes .it was a little hectic but now it's done, just some things are left to settle .

Hobi: Hmm

After some chatting with hobi now im doing check up of some patients. The one of patient have accident injury so I'm checking his wounds it's not that deep he will be fine in week. he have a girl with him to take care of him maybe she is his girlfriend.

I was treating him when a other one girl came.

Girl 1 : " oppa , are you okay. when did this happen . I was very scared when I found out ." The girl came to the boy and held his hand and asked worriedly.

Girl 2 : "How many times do I have to tell you to stay away from him." The girl who was taking care of him sitting next to him went to that girl and said.

Girl 1 : "who are you to tell me all this." She yelled at her .

Girl 2 become angry and slapped that girl and from here the fight started...

They started fighting with each other and started pulling each other's hair.

I tried to stop her by calling her but she didn't stop. When I was about to go to stop them again, someone held my hand. When I looked back, it was Hobi.

"They're not going to stop if you stop them , you just stand here and watch the show. " Hobi chuckled.

"How can you say that they will hurt each other." I replied. "And what about you if you go to stop them you might get hurt too". He informed.

I was about to speak when I heard dr.min's voice. "What are you guys doing here, behave yourself. this is a hospital and because of you our patients are getting disturbed. Stop all this nonsense." He said angrily to the girls.

The girls stopped fighting and started apologizing to dr.min . " If he sees us standing here he'll kill us. Let's go." hobi whispered in my ear.

No one should see us in such a way that we ran away from there. " Thank God he didn't notice us"i chuckled.
" Yes it seems his anger is on the seventh sky today" hobi said.


my day was going as usual but after some time later the nurse informed me that the Dr.min is want to meet me at his cabin. I'm so confused why dr.min is calling me , now this time which mistake i made.

He was so cold and many times scolded me for mistakes in my intern day's . now i made my way to dr.min 's cabin.

Y/n : may I come in sir ?

Dr.min: yes , come in. " he gestured to me to sit on a chair in front of his table.

Y/n :okey sir .

Dr.min : The next week new intern's are coming so that's why i called you ,we have some work on that .

Thank God!! There is some other reason for calling me here. I thought that I made any mistake. and now I have to face the angry  side of him .

After completing my work now I'm going to my apartment. I just settled in a new apartment so I have to do a lot of work at home so i leave early today.

Time skip......

Now I'm infront of my house door typing my apartment password and then , someone suddenly put a hand on my shoulder. Ohhh noo... I turned Back as quickly as possible. I got shocked.

Y/n : you ...???? What are you doing here ? You just gave me a mini heart attack!!

???? What are you doing here ? You just gave me a mini heart attack!!

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( It was jimin . This man really someday kill me by his actions .)

Jimin: hey calm down .why are you so scared, And why are you here?

Y/n : this is my new apartment . And now say about you what are you doing here.

Jimin: oh so this is your new apartment.

Y/n : yes.

Jimin: so now will you ask me for a seat or are you going to ask me questions standing at your door?

Y/ n : ohh so sorry I was just shocked so that's why i forgot, come in. '

Quickly I opened the door and greeted him in and offered coffee.

Y/n : Now can you explain me what are you doing here?

Jimin: Do you remember that once i told about my apartment , the one apartment which is in front of your apartment is mine , i sifted here two weeks ago.

Y/n : ohh ,so that's why you are so busy these days.

Jimin: yeh. I remember that you said me that you bought new apartment but I didn't know that your new apartment is here.

Y/n : what a coincidence!!(chuckled) why are you not shown these days , i didn't notice you here any day.

Jimin: yeh I'm so busy in office work. how about you ? Are you happy now with your new house?

Y/n : yeh ! Ofcourse, why not.!!
I'm so bored of living with mom and dad, they don't allow me to many things ,i just want to live free life , i want to enjoy my life. now I can do anything I want.

Jimin: ya! ya! I see.

Y/n : this is great! now we are neighbours .



This is my first part writing, my first language is not English .if there are some mistakes in this part you can comment .

💜💜 I hope you enjoyed 💜💜

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