25. can't you love me ?

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Sitting in park looking in sky with strength face tears escape from his eyes. all he feel is loneliness. The whole park is empty, even taken breath can be heard.

" Jimin " voice echoled. He looked at her. she slowly walked up to him and sat next to him.

He look forward not looking at her. How can he look at her he knows that if he will look at her he won't able to hold back himself.

Y/n:' sorry.' Breaking the silence she spoke. He didn't replied anything signalling to her continue. 

She want to apologise whatever happen. but she don't have any words for it  or maybe she don't able to.

Y/n:'I should have told you all this before then maybe all this would not have happened. I am very sorry for this.' she confessed.

Jimin:'you won't have to be. It is my fault too, I should have told you about my feelings earlier.' he tried his best not to broke infront of her.

Jimin:'But not anymore, even if your answer is no, I will not hold myself back, or else I will regret it for the rest of my life.' Saying this he turned towards her.

His eyes are red. He stared into her eyes deeply like he is staring into her soul.

Jimin:' from the day i met you, you felt like someone close to me. I thought it's friendship but when time passed with you more and more i got close to you. I come to know that it's not only friendship it's more than that. It- it's Love. ' his voice cracked. 

Her eyes filled with tears knowing he will end up heart broken, and more than that the thing is hurting her most is she herself is the reason.

Jimin:' i don't want to be selfish but i can't stop myself from asking you '. Taking deep breath he spoke.

" Can't you love me ? am i not worthy of your love ? i feel incomplete without you i really love you so much. " He brust out in tears.

She can't see him this broken. She quickly hugged him and caressed his back. She doesn't know that she is also crying badly.

Y/n:" sorry. Even if i want i can't do. I love jungkook.' he sobbed hard in her imbarence.

Y/n: " If we get together, with me having someone else in my heart we both can't be can happy and you would  get hurt the most. " He hugged her more tightly and cried hard while y/n tried to console him.

Y/n:' i Know it's so hard and painful but please try to stop growing your feelings towards me, for your own sake.' the big tears escape from her eyes.

Time skip

Y/n come out from bathroom drying her hair with towel and sat on bed. Suddenly jimin's words came in her mind.

" I'm going for business trip."
She know this business trip is going to be long.

Y/n:' i hope your business trip go well and i hope next time when we meet i see you with your old self who is all cheering and excited for everything." She mumbled to herself.

Sudden door knock brought back her from her thoughts. She went to open the door. when she opened the door she got too shocked.

Y/n:' jungkook. What happen to you-- ' he didn't let her complete words and dragged her in. He push her in and locked the door.

Y/n:' what are you doing and what happen to you ? ' she aske worriedly.

Jungkook:' do you care.' he said with anger.

He is drunk and his left hand is bleeding. His face and eyes are red showing his anger.

Y/n: why are you behaving like this kook. And What happen to your hand' . She tried to hold his hand for checking it but he yanked her hand away harshly.

Jungkook:' what happen to you y/n. Do my love is not enough for you. Just ask me i will give you everything you wish for."  with gloomy eyes he spoke.

Y/n:' what are you talking about ju--" before she can say further he pinned her to wall unable to control his anger.

Jungkook:' pretending innocent huh ' he said holding her arms harshly unknowingly hurting her.

Y/n:' really i don't know what are you talking about jungkook.' holding tears she ask.

Jungkook:' you cheated on me y/n. You cheated on me.' he yelled at her loudly.

Y/n got shook she is totally unaware what he is talking about.

Y/n:' no jungkook you must be misunderstood i didn't cheated on you. I really love you how can I cheat on you for someone else.' she tried to explain.

Jungkook:' liar. You are still lying to me.' he punched the wall near her face.

Y/n:' jungkook please trust me. There is nothing like this trust me.' she said softly.

Jungkook didn't listen her and dragged her to nearby cauch.

Jungkook:' Maybe there is something missing in my love, let's make it up to you.

Y/n:' jungkook stop.  what are you talking about. you are not in your sense. ' she tried to free herself from him but he didn't budge.

he didn't listen to her. He pushed her on couch and hovered over her, entwining his fingers with hers he burried his face in her crock of neck. He started to give her hickeys.

At the moments y/n was too stunned. Her mind is recalling the harassment she faced in club. She got goosebumps all over her body, literally started to shivering.

Y/n:' jungkook please st--stop .' she started to shutter and panic. Tears are keep flowing from her eyes.

She tried to push him away but he is way more strong than her. She pushed him using her all strength and succeed.

She quickly stood away from him. Jungkook who was  angry now is  burning in anger. He throw the nearby vase on floor making it Sutter in pieces.

Jungkook:' what happen y/n ?  you don't like my touch ? I thought you love to be touched by others. Or the matter is that you don't like my touch.' he said sarcastically.

Y/n:' There is nothing--

Jungkook:' The real thing is that you don't love me at all. Everything is a lie.' he didn't give chance to speak her.

Y/n:' no. Please listen to me. ' she tried to convince him .

Jungkook:' we are over y/n. There is nothing anymore between us. ' he said those hurtful words.

Y/n:' jungkoo- .' he didn't wait for her to complete her words and left from there leaving her dumbfounded.

She shattered on floor can't believe what just happen minutes ago.


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