4. movie night

140 24 2

Jimin's pov

It is 8 pm and Im thinking about what to do cause I have nothing to do, many days after I have free time some day before I have too much work and I'm tired of all this.

I'm thinking about go to hangout but I'm so tired from some days so I decide to stay at home.

Suddenly the thought of y/n come in my mind she is here so I can spend time with her. that's good idea. The movie night will be perfect.

I'm now going to invite y/n if she free.


And after some time y/n opened the door.

Y/n : hey jimin, come in. "She smiled.

Jimin: oh thanks but I'm here for aske you something.

Y/n: what?
Jimin: are you free ?

Y/n : yes , i completed all my work, there's nothing to do.

Jimin: okey , I'm also free so I'm thinking to watch movies if you free you can join me.

Y/n : ohh yeah that's great.


I'm now in living room sitting on couch waiting for y/n to come and join me. Door bell rings so I made my way to door and opened the door y/n is there, I greeted her in and said her seat on couch, next to me.

Y/n : which movie we gonna watch?

Jimin :" I didn't decided yet." Y/n nodded "are you have any suggestion?"

Y/n : no , you can pick any you like .
Jimin: okey

I finally picked one movie and started, I sat next to her and start to watch movie.

Jimin : I'm going to kitchen for popcorn and cold drinks, do you want something else?

Y/n : no ,I'm okey.

I nodded and went to kitchen . After picking popcorn and some cold drinks from fridge i got back to my seat.

I offered popcorn and cold drink to her . We continued to watching movie. We laughed, got emotional, shoked on some scenes movie is really amazing.

While enjoying the movie i felt something on my shoulder.

i glanced at my shoulder where y/n putted her head on my shoulder, because she was asleep.

Many times I looked at her ,but this time her face is too close to mine. She is looking more beautiful from near. I feel something in my heart. I looked at her without blinking.

She didn't did any makeup on her face but still she is looking so much pretty

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She didn't did any makeup on her face but still she is looking so much pretty. she have perfect eye shadow, her eyelashes Just like doll .

Then I looked at her lips. she have beautiful lips too. i couldn't take my eyes off it. My heart is beating fast like crazy.

suddenly i looked away from her.

How can I think about my friend like this , it's not good she is my friend.

I don't know why but i feel little different about her now or maybe i have this feeling from starting but now it's deepened.

I looked at y/n one more time she is looking like baby , so cute. " What are you doing to my heart y/n ." *I said to myself* looking at y/n.

If I move from here she can wake up and her sleep will disturb so i decided to stay like this .

I don't know when but my eyelids become heavy and I also slept there.


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