24. Broken

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Jimin :' y/n.' he called her again.
This time she hear him and turned to look at him.

Jimin: what happen where are you going ?' He came close to her.

Yn:' I'm leaving for home. ' she said with low voice.

Jimin:'why , what happen. Party is not over yet.' He look at her curiously.

Y/n:' i just don't feel like.' she replied.

Jimin:' are you all right? He ask concernly.

Y/n :' yes I'm alright. He little realise that something is wrong with her.

Jimin:' let me drop you.' before she say something he grabbed her wrist ready to leave but jungkook came from nowhere he too grabbed y/n's wrist.

Jungkook:' you don't need to i will do it.' he looked at jimin in eyes.

Jimin:' leave her hand jungkook.' He too replied to him in same way.

Jungkook:' why would I ?' he said sarcastically raising his eyebrows.

Y/n:' guys stop this i will go by myself. ' saying this she tried to free her hand from them but they didn't let go of her hand. sighning she grabbed her head having more headache.

There is not only point of who is going to drop her they just want to show their rights on her.

Jimin: i want to say someth---

Jungkook:' I'm going to drop her and this is final.' he said sternly looking deep in jimin's eye's.

Jimin got pissed off by his talks. He is trying from so long that he and y/n have some time together.

Jimin:' shut up. She is going with me.' he said loosing his patience.

Jungkook:' why would she ? He shouted.

Jimin:' cause i love her. ' he said loudly.

Jungkook: what ?' He said looking at him frowning.

y/n is beyond shook. She didn't expected something like this. Jimin sighed, he didn't want to confess his feelings like this but it's all messed up now.

Jimin: yes. I love y/n, I really do.' he said holding so many emotions in his eyes looking at y/n dearly.

Jungkook: y/n go wait for me in the car.' he said with no emotions.

Y/n:' but jungk--

Jungkook:' just do what i say.' he literally shouted. Y/n sighed and went in car.

Jimin:' why are you shouting at her.' he is so much angry on him.

Jungkook:' just stay away from her.' he warned him.

Jimin:' and why would i ? ' he said being done with him.

Jungkook:' cause she is my girlfriend.'
jimin got silent. He is still processing his words, he can't believe it.

IN HER EYES  (Makneline X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now