23. Party

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                      Author's pov

"Y/naah stop making faces we are going to party not funeral." y/n's mom said to y/n who is pouting and sulking.

Y/n: not much difference. It's so boring.' y/n's mom  sighed being done with her daughter.

Y/n continued " it's not fun party it's business party there everyone just talking about business stuff and all. I'm so tired. Can't i skip it ? I mean I'm not in business ----

Y/n's mom : for god's shake  it's from your appa's friend with whom your appa is business partner from so long." She said looking at yn Sternly making yn sigh.

Y/n:" Can't you help me in this ' she said whispering to jin who is busy in his tab.

Jin :' i can't.'  he replied keep looking in tab. Y/n folded her arms pouting.

 Time skip.....

Driver opened the car door and y/n and her family went out of the car. There was a red carpet with tones of reporters who is busy in taking photos of coming guest.

Lots of Cameras  flashes on her face she closed her eyes immediately.

Y/n :' ohh god finnally we are in. She said with sigh

i thought i was gonna cry,  those flashes literally make my eyes glossy. She said wiping her eyes with tissue.

Jin:' next day this would be on highlight that daughter of Kim family is crybaby."  He chuckled at her making y/n sulk.

Y/n's dad : you kids never gonna grow up aren't you ?! ' he said literally done with their bickering.

With that they went to join others in party. Y/n family got busy in business talks making y/n bore.

She excused herself from them and went to drink some soft drinks. She sat at counter shipping her drink.

" Drinking without us beautiful ? " By voice she knows who is person. She turn back to them confidently stoping their heartbeat for second.

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Y/n: can't i ? ' she said raising her eyebrow.

IN HER EYES  (Makneline X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now