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Third person's pov

y/n holding her stomach and laughing like crazy. Jimin is sitting next to her sulking.

Y/n:"and don't remind me of that day. When the boyfriend of the girl you were flirting with came to pick her up
Your face was worth watching." She again laugh.

Jimin: "Stop it now, why are you remembering all this? " He said with pout.

Y/n:"it was not me who remembered all this, it was you."she hit the pillow on Jimin's shoulder saying.

Jimin: "Ohh so you want this now. "As soon as he said this, he picked up the pillow kept in his side.

Y/n:"no, no ,..."y/n came to know what Jimin was going to do, so she immediately got up from her place and started running away from Jimin.

They both started running after each other here and there. They are out of breath by running. Jimin grabbed y/n by the waist and they both fell on the couch.

They stopped moving and looked into each other's eyes.They are so close to each other that they can hear each other's heartbeat. Jimin's gaze shifted from y/n's eyes to her lips.

and then they heard a knock on the door. Jimin quickly turned his attention away from y/n and stood up.

Jimin: "i'm going to open the door".he said and quickly went to open the door.

and came back with jungkook. He say hello to y/n and y/n did the same. Then started conversation between three.

Jimin: " hey, you are siriously so busy you didn't call me for month. Jimin pouted at jungkook.

Jk:"so sorry for that but i was really busy because i had to shift here. It was really tiring. I am free now, Thank God tomorrow is weekend." He sighed and smiled at jimin.

Jimin before say anything y/n cut-off him.

Y/n:"ohh i really forget about that. I have to say something." She said .

Jimin: "what " He asked being curious.

Y/n:"Tomorrow is the weekend so me and j-hope have planned to go to the amusement park. The more people will go, the more fun it will be. so you guys will you come? " She looked at them hopefully.

They thought for a while. And then jimin said,

Jimin: " im tired. I want to stay at my place and rest". Jimin replied hoping that yn couldn't get mad.

Y/n:"I know you are free tomorrow. Let's have some fun. I already said to jhope that you both are coming. You know how difficult it is to convince him to take to the amusement park." Y/n whined and showed her cute puppy eyes.

Jimin:"ok, ok. I'm coming." He smiled at y/n.

Y/n:" thx ." She give wide smile to jimin and looked at jk for answer.

Jk:"okey". He gave her smile and she smiled back.

Jimin: "let's watch movie for now."he said out of the blue.

Becouse of long busy day they are tired and this is the best time pass for them. Seating on couch watching TV relaxing.

Jk:"which movie should we watch now ". He raised his eyebrow.

Jimin:"let's dicide together." With that they started dicide the movie to watch.

Y/n went to the balcony to call someone while jimin and jk were dividing the movie for watch. Y/n returned to the living room after disconnecting the call.

Y/n:"have you decide the movie." said sitting on the sofa.

Jimin: "yes". With that jimin started movie.

Y/n sat between jimin and jk. they started watching movie.

Jk's pov

When I was watching movie, my attention went to y/n and then that night's memory splash in my mind.

After that nigh (chep.10 when jk was drunk) when i woke up next morning with heavy headache.

I looked around me and wondered how I got here . I didn't remember anything. i tried to remember .

I grabbed my head in frustration. Then everything came to my mind.

Ohh jk , what have you done, what will she think of you now? I really shouldn't have done that . She surely think I am pervert. Oh nooo..
I clutched my hair.(end of flashback).

My thoughts suddenly interrupted when jimin chuckled watching movie.
When I was looking at jimin, my eyes fell on her side she was smiling widely.

I have never seen dimples on her cheeks before.I have seen her smiling many times before but never seen dimples on her cheeks. Really she looks more cute with dimples.

I don't even know her well but I like her very much. I feel happy every time I see her. i want to spend more time with her. i don't know why i feel this way about her ...........


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