31. Night with you

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Y/n woke up holding her head when her headache increases. She roamed her eyes around to adjust the light as her vision is little blur.

Y/n: how I came here ? isn't I was in club- ' she mumbled under her breath and tried to sit but felt something heavy on her waist. And then her attention gone to person sleeping beside her.

Her eye widened. There was taehyung sleeping while hugging her waist.

Thousands of questions came to her mind. But her breath got stuck when she realise that she is wearing his shirt.

She can't believe what she saw. Now she broke down in tears. Hearing her sobbing sound taehyung's sleep broke and he woke up rubbing his eyes.

When he saw crying y/n beside him he got worried.

Taehyung: what happen? Why are you crying.' he ask being worried '

Y/n:' d-did something ha-happen between us.' she ask with broken tone.

He frowned at first thinking what she mean ? But then he notice their condition. And reality hit him.


When taehyung took off y/n from dinning table one glass hit y/n and her dress ruined.

As y/n was passed out so taehyung asked their maid mrs Lee to change y/n's clothes but y/n's closet was locked, so he gave one of his shirt.

After mrs. Lee changed y/n's clothes taehyung went to check upon y/n.

...Taehyung pov...

I watched her laying figure on bed. She must be sleep. Smile spread on my face looking at her sleeping with pout.

WTH what are you doing taehyung? I mentally facepalmed myself and turn for leave but my step halted when she hold my hand.

My eyes widened. Did she's awake ? I slowly turned back looking like I got cough red handed. But when I looked at her face my heart clenched. She was crying.

Y/n: don't le-leave me. ' she spoke with broken voice.

Her eyes were closed and tears were flowing continuosly from her eyes. She hugged my arm close to herself not letting go. My eyes softened. wiping her tears away and I tucked her hair strands bihind ear.

She turned to other side so making me shift to that side also. I thought that after sometime she will fell sleep and let me go but she didn't, with passing time she started to cry harder. unable to hold myself back I hugged her caressing her back and said soothing words for calming her. She buried her face in my chest and cried whole night.

End of flashback

He told her whole thing. As she hold her head being done with herself.

Y/n:' why the hell i drank this much. I never gonna touch alcohol in my whole life from now on.'

Being too much embarrass she apologise to taehyung and she got up from bed and went in bathroom running for morning routine.

Taehyung chuckled at her and he also went in his room for freshen up.

After bathing y/n searched for her clothes then it hit her mind that she forgot to bring clothes in bathroom. She scolded herself and went out wrapping towel around herself.

She sighed with relief looking no one in room and quickly took her clothes and turned for going back but gasped when she look taehyung coming in room.

They both looked at eachother in horror. Taehyung quickly covered his eyes with his palm.

Y/n:' why are you come here ?' she said crossing her arms infront of her chest protectively.

Taehyung : I forgot my phone here.' he said being embarrassed.

She didn't say anything and quickly went in bathroom.

' Wtf happening with me. Why I'm being so irresponsible.' y/n said to herself hiding her face in her palms.

After freshen up y/n went for breakfast taehyung was already there. She sat on chair and mrs Lee came with hangover soup.

Y/n:' thank you so much for the soup.' she smiled at mrs Lee.

Mrs Lee:' Taehyung said me to make it for you.' she smiled back at y/n.

Y/n: thank you.' she sweetly said looking at him he nodded at her smiling.

Mrs Lee went for cleaning.

Taehyung:' How is your headache now.

Y/n:' it's little better after shower.' she said taking spoon of soup in mouth.

Taehyung smirked looking at her.

Taehyung:' btw someone is so hot.' y/n choked on her soup while taehyung still concentrating on his food like nothing happen.

Y/n:' yaa you pervert.' she glared at him while he just chuckled at her.

...Time skip ...

Taehyung: arghh why I can't able to sleep.' he burried his face in his pillow.

Somewhere in his heart he knows that he is missing someone's wormth but his mind keep denying that. It's just one night but still it's made impact on him.

He woke up sighning and went out in living room. For his surprise she is there sleeping on couch. Tv is ON maybe she asleep while watching it.

He layed on cauch exactly apposite of her so he can admire her while she is sleeping.

His heartbeat increased looking at her angelic sleeping face.

Taehyung:' I think it's my bad luck that our first meeting went like that. It's my bad. You must be still mad at me for that but trust me I was in soo much angry at the time and in anger i behaved like jerk.

I wish we had met some other time when I would have treated you well. Earlier it didn't matter that much what I mean to you, but now it means a lot to me. ' he smiled mumbling to himself still staring at her.

Taehyung: now. I have many strange but good feelings towards you. Just looking at you my heartbeat increase but same time it's bring peace to my heart. I think I love you. ' he blushed hard at his own comment.


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