34. marriage ?

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Author pov

Food is getting served on his plate while he is glancing at his mom.
He started to have his breakfast when his mom spoke.

Tae's. Mom: last night was so interesting isn't it ?! She looked at her son who had a smile on his face at the mention of the previous night. ( The family dinner with yn's family )

Tae's mom: you like yn right ?! ' she spoke suddenly which made taehyung choked on his food.

Taehyung: wh- what ? "
He asked again not to believe in his ears.

Tae's mom:' ohh so you really like her.' she said noticing the blush and nervousness on his face. He smiled shyly confirming her his answer.

His happiness went onto the seventh sky when he got to know about his and yn's family are also thinking of converting their friendship into family relation.

The more he is happy the more he is nervous also. What will be the yn's answer will she agree for it ?! So many questions are coming to his mind.


Yn slowly got up from her bed after a long sleep as it was a holiday. She moved to the bathroom to get fresh.

After taking a warm long shower she came out and started to dry her hair. When she almost got ready she heard the doorbell.

Yn:' who could be this time ?' She frowned.
' maybe it's jungkook.' she thought. With a smile she opened the door.

She frowned watching the front person. Before she asks anything he cuts-off her.

Taehyung:' good morning cry baby. ' he said with his boxy smile and handed her flower bukey.

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Yn:' Good morning

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Yn:' Good morning.' She changed her expressions and said with a smile.

Yn:'thank you ' she said showing flowers. Btw what brings you here. ' she asks curiously not getting why he is here and why he bought flowers for her. Like it's not some special day then why ?

IN HER EYES  (Makneline X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now