9 : Him

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  y/n's pov

I wake up from my bed yawning and streching my limbs. Waw today's weather is so nice. I feel like I have extra energy today. I think the day is going to be nice.

"Good morning y/naah " i said to myself, and started my daily routine. After getting ready for work i locked my apartment and start to walk in lobby.


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Let's call Mira " and i started to searching my phone in my purse.

When I'm searching for my phone i didn't pay attention in my surroundings and keep walking so suddenly I bumped into someone.

I hit him so hard so that I was about to fall , but that person whom with i hit he grabbed me by my waist and saved me from falling.

It's happened so fast so i didn't saw his face but when he grabbed me by my waist then i looked at him and im just lost .

It's happened so fast so i didn't saw his face but when he grabbed me by my waist then i looked at him and im just lost

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Ohh my god when did the angel's come down to earth. He is so cute and handsome. as he holding me close to him our face is so close my heart beat increase looking at him this close.

I'm just lost in him and  my thoughts interrupted when he said "Are you okey "  .

  I quickly stand properly . "Yes i am, so sorry my attention was somewhere else .' are you okay'  i apologise .

" Im fine, it's okey. I also not payed any  attention. I'm also sorry. " He replied with smile.

Oww so cute he have bunny smile. He is so cute , y/n what are you thinking stupid . I smiled back.

I don't know why but im blushing And before my cheeks become red i quickly passed from there. Ohh y/n what happen with you duffer.

I don't know but I'm still whole way just thinking about him. his smile make my day . looks like I'm going crazy. So i just trying to keep my whole attention in my work . 

"Dr.kim are you okey, why your face is red "
my thoughts interrupted when my intern  Aera asked me.

What ? my face is red ??
i don't know that. Ohh y/n I'm totally sure you are gone crazy now.

"Nothing,I'm fine." I made excuse.

After that i become so much busy in patients check up and training to interns.  Aera is so helping me in work , she is  so sweet and also our other interns is so good. in free time coffee with hobi and fun around ,its was so good day .

Now I'm in my apartment laying on couch. Watching my fav kdrama. Episode is over now what to do I'm bored . I'm thinking about what to do .

Jimin !! what is jimin doing ? From few  days i didn't meet him. Let's go
y/n. It's so fun to spending time with him .

I knoked on door and waiting for jimin to open the door. Why he is taking so long and then Door is opened by him.

Jimin:"Hey y/n , come in. " He greeted me .

Y/n: "Im so bored so i just come here. "
I replied.

Y/n:" Why are you not showed from some days" . I asked while walking to living room.

Jimin: "I'm just little busy and tired, these days are so much work."   He replied.

In living room someone is sitting on the couch, i can't see his face cause his back was facing me. Jimin gestured me to seat.

When I walked to couch and sat then i looked at him and i shoked and same time we both said

"You" ? 

Jimin: "Did you know each other

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Jimin: "Did you know each other." He chuckled.

Y/n: "no , we just bumped into each other in the morning".

" Oh I see. " With that jimin  introduced us with each other. 

.....Jimin's pov.....

Jimin:" let's drink" i said excitedly.

Y/n:"you guys carry on I'm going."  Yn replied.

Jimin: " why ?" I asked , why she wants to go I want to spend some time with her. I missed her passdays.

Y/n:"you meet your friend after long time so enjoy with him and you know that I don't drink 🍷". She smiled and stand for leave.

Jimin: ": no, stay here . It's fun to have company when drinking 🍷." I grabbed her wrist and pulled to her to  sofa for seat again.

Y/n:"your friend is here , you have company." She chuckled.

Jimin: "more company more fun, and don't make any other excuses you said me that you bored in your apartment." I said making pout.

Y/n:"Okey". She chuckled.

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