35. Falling apart

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Author pov.

Yn: tell me dad why you want me to get married to taehyung . Why didn't you ask me for once.' she said, being frustrated but still managed to ask calmly.

She always trusted her father most. His This decision is confusing her he always wishes her best and stays with her in every situation. But why suddenly he took this decision without her.

She is trying to ask everything normally cause she doesn't want to mess up anything or do something wrong in anger or frustration.

Mr. Kim ( yn's dad ) : dear I'm really sorry to not inform you about this earlier. I know it's my fault but It's not only my decision, Both families want this.

Yn:' but I don't. ' she sternly states. She has fear, just thought of parting away from her love make her uneasy.

Mr. kim : why not ?! yn try to understand he is perfect for you. I'm sure he will always keep you happy.
One day you have to get married. What's wrong with doing it now. I trust them that's why i want you to get married to him. He said trying to convince y/n.

Yn:' I can't marry him dad I love someone else.' she said being so done, shocking her father.

The bond yn share with her father is so strong. They are more like best friends who hear out each other's problems and share everything that is happening in their life.

Yn love someone ?! Moreover he isn't taehyung ?! This is unbelievable for him. He thought that yn likes or love taehyung. But the thing was so different.

Mr. kim: why didn't you tell me this before.' he said dominating, being impatient.

Yn:' i wanted to tell you but that time things weren't going well between us ( yn and jk).

Mr. Kim wants just one thing that her one and only daughter always stays happy in her life. that's why he chooses taehyung.

Listening to yn that she and her love having problems how can he now trust that the boy is right for her or not.

Mr. kim : then why do you want to stay with someone whom you don't get along with.

Yn:' dad I really love him so much and only gonna marry him.

He already made up his mind that if someone he wants for her daughter is taehyung no one else. Y/n's answer just acted as fuel to his anger. Her stubborn behaviour against him is something that he doesn't want.

Mr. kim : yn !! I did everything for you. I always listened to you and allowed you to do anything you wanted, you wanted to be a doctor instead of joining our family business so i allow you that, when you want to stay on your own away from home I allow you that also. Your every wish i made true before you ask for it.

Every time I listened to you than can't you listen to me once. I made my decision and now I'm not gonna change it. You are getting married to taehyung that's all. ' He raised his voice at her for the very first time.

The anger on his face which she barely experienced, moreover for her. Which brought tears to her eyes.

He just raised his voice nothing much but still she is hurt so much, it's not a big thing when someone gets mad at you or shouts at you but it hits hard when the person who is close to your heart does it.

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