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Taehyung pov:

Trying hard finally she opened her eyes slowly with a long breath.

' Thank God. ' i hugged her taking the breath of relief.

Tae:' are you okay ? 'i ask being concerned.

She took another deep breath before speaking. " I t-think I won't ma-make it up. " She said in a broken tone while tearing up. Even speaking is hard for her.

" Wh- what do you mean what are you saying" I can't believe what I'm hearing is breaking me. That's the least thing I can hear right now.

Y/n:' I got major head injuries, anytime it will get worse as I assume this as a brain hemorrhage. Maybe this is the last breath I'm taking.

Taehyung:' hey don't say nonsense, nothing is going to happen to you okay. " Just tell me this is all just a bad dream. I can't stand it anymore.

Tears were streaming though my eyes and my body were shaking in fear and pain that i would lose her, loose everything.

Y/n:" tell my dad that I was sorry. That I love him and my family." Her words brought more tears to my eyes.

I felt a lump in my throat what can i say my love is talking about her death "please don't say this please" crying like there is no tomorrow i still manage to say.

Author pov

"You'll be fine , everything will be fine just hold for little. " Tucking her hair strands behind her ears he said giving his best not breaking more.

"I love you so much I won't let anything happen to you. " Kissing her forehead he said assuring.

" I fell hard for you. The someone whom I was waiting for is you. You don't know how much I love you." He said looking straight in her eyes his eyes were glistened by tears but the love he holds for her is crystal clearly visible.

He wanted to confess her from long he wanted to be this so special but looking her in this state his heart can't stand it anymore. Words left by his throat came straight from his heart.

Her breaths are becoming slow second by second. Hearing taehyung's confession more tears left her eyes.

She knows she won't make it and she will leave breaking many hearts behind. It hurts her more.

Jungkook's pov

My eyes keep searching for her. The sound i heard on call keeps running through my head the worst, coming thoughts aren't helping either. I just want one thing right now and it's y/n and her safety.

I stopped my car on the scene in front of me. Getting out of my car i abruptly ran but halted when I took the close look at it. I think I'm hallucinating or something it can't be true right ?!

" Y/n " i scream but it just came out as a whisper. I'm feeling like hundreds of knives attack my heart.

She looked at me with teary eyes which held millions of emotions in it. She looked at me like she was waiting for me from London and then she gave me a smile. This is her first smile which shatters my heart.

I ran to her and took her from the person who was holding her before . Cupping her face with my one palm i tried to wake her up who closed her eyes, but the thing broke my heart that she didn't respond.

" Y /n ?! Y/n ?! Please Open your eyes. " I hugged her and then I felt her heart wasn't beating anymore. I wasn't aware that was her last smile i never thought oneday i will witness all this.

Hugging her tightly like someone will snitch her away from me I cried and cried more. " You can't leave me. You promised that you will stay by my side please don't leave me like this."

It's too late now. The eyes in which looking i falled in love now closed for forever. For whom my heart beat increase her heart isn't beating anymore. Who gave me so much happiness is gone now giving me unbearable pain ............

It isn't necessary that love always give happiness sometimes it can be pain also. The much love can hold happiness the much it can hold pain also. Always remember that,




This is whole FF MV. I hope you like it 💜✨

What kind of this story is where no one got their love ?!
Where love got place in everyone's heart but never got chance to bloom. The story ended but it is a really ENDING ?! Well.........

It's NOT the ending but just a BEGINNING, we have long way to go. This was the time where many souls cross their path with eachother and now they will get their destiny.......


He could be live his life happily with his love but his insecurity his possessiveness never let him it ruined his life. Where they supposed to live happily giggling, they were crying and fighting with eachother. The misunderstanding was the biggest villain in his live what will happen when his biggest enemy will follow him to his next life also. Was he get his destiny or his will lost it again ?!...
Find out it in


Another ff of mine .

" JIMIN " :

He loved her with his whole heart but let her go for her happiness. He sacrificed his love, held his feelings back for others. Letting her go for someone else was an enemy of his love. What will happen when fate puts him in the same situation again will he do the same again?! Will he let her love go ?! Or will he fight for his love ?!

Let's find out it in


The another ff of mine.


Before he could do anything for his love God took her away from him. The death separates them. Nothing less but death itself is his love enemy. It will follow his fate to the next life also. What will he do when fate again will try to snatch his love. Will death be able to separate them ?! Or he will go against fate and bring her back ?!

Let's know in


The another ff of mine.


Please comment down whatever you felt while reading this FF please don't forget to give a review. I will be so grateful for it. 💜✨


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