10. Drunk

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.....Jungkook's pov.....

Me and jimin seating on a couch talking , our conversation interrupted when we heard knock on door.
Jimin: " I'll check it ."  He said.

He opened the door i can hear it from living room. He is talking with someone and they are coming in living room. I think I've heard this voice somewhere.

When I was observing that time  they came in living room and stood infront of me. I looked up,i am little shooked .

"You " word fell out of my mouth. She was the same girl with whom I bumped into in this morning. How can I forgot her. The morning Memory flashed in my mind.

In this morning when i am shifting in my new place i was so busy in my work i am walking so fast and mistekly i bumped into someone. She was just about to fall that I saved her by holding her by the waist.
  she is so pretty. I was looking at her admiring her beauty, and my eyes meet her's. her eyes were breathtaking and so different, something so mysterious in her eyes. I just lost

In Her Eyes.


Author's pov

Jimin and jungkook started to drink, y/n is enjoying soft drinks and some snacks. From long  time jimin and jungkook is keep drinking so they totally drunk now.

Jungkook:" i am sleepy now so  i am going to 😴. " Jungkook said in drunk voice and stood for leave but after taking two steps he fell on couch.

" Ahhh. Why is everything spinning. "
Jungkook whines like kid.

Jimin: "ooh bro, how you fell , I'll help you." Jimin went in jungkook's direction and his foot hit the table and he fell on jungkook.

"Aah what are you doing bro , it's hurt get up from me. Jungkook said pushing away Jimin from him. "Sorry." Jimin make pout.

When all this was happening, y/n is  watching everything laughing from a distance.

" Ohh God someone save me from these creakheads.😂" She mumbled to herself , chuckling.

She started helping them to get up. "Aah you are so heavy." She helped jimin to got up. "you can't stand properly how will you help him." Y/n said to jimin.

" I'm just trying to help him." Jimin replied. " Don't worry i will take  him to his apartment". Saying this she took him to  his room. She made him sleep on the bed and came out of the room.

Jungkook was trying to leave when
Y/n came out of the room and saw. He was about to fall again that Y/n saved him.

" Let me take  you to  your place". Yn supported him by placing his hand on her shoulder.

Somehow she took jungkook to his place. " Where is your room." Yn asked to jungkook . " This one " jungkook said pointing in the direction.

She took jungkook to his room. When she tried to make jungkook lay on his bed, she lost her balance and they both fell on the bed.

Yn is on top of jungkook. She gasped and quickly started to stood but before she could do anything he turned it over making y/n wide her eyes.

This this time jungkook is top on y/n. He is just looking into her eyes. Y/n's heart started beating fast.

They are so close to each other. She can  feel jungkook's heartbeat, his heart was beating as fast as her's.

IN HER EYES  (Makneline X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now