16. Caring

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Y/n's pov

tears welled up in my eyes. Jungkook quickly came to me and bow down before me.

Jungkook:' are you ok?' he ask me worried and helped me up and sit on the big stone by his side.

Jungkook:' Show me. Is there any other injury?' He started to scanning my leg.

Y/n:' no.' i answered.

I got up by his help and tried to walk but could not walk, I could not keep my foot down. it hurts too much.

Y/n:' I think there's a sprain in my ankle.

did it just have to happen now ? What should I do now ? I was just lost in my thoughts when jungkook picked me up.

Y/n:'What are you doing?

Jungkook:' You have sprained your leg, how will you walk ?' he started to walk carrying me.

Y/n:' Hey there is no need for this. I can walk and see, maybe it is a simple injury or not a sprain ? '

Jungkook:' Even if there is a simple injury and you still walk, then that injury can be deep.'

'Who is the doctor here, me or you?' I just thought because now there is no use in arguing with him. He is right. This boy is not going to listen to me. I sighed.

Y/n:'you must be tired get me down.' After walking for a while I said to him.

Jungkook:' no, it's okey. Anyway, it is not that far, just a little, we are about to reach'. I hummed.

Y/n:' Why is he so caring? I thought in my mind and smiled at him.

After short walk we reached at
place where everyone waiting for us. Jungkook got me down.

Mira:' What happened.' she aske me worriedly.

Y/n:' I sprained my leg. ' i pouted.

Jimin:' are you ok? ' he ask concerned.

jhope:' Is it hurting a lot?'

Mira:' Is there a lot of injury in leg ? They bombarded with so many questions.

Y/n:' Hey, hey stop. I am fine. Just a small sprain, it will be fine.

Jhope:' Yes yes it is visible. You are not even able to put your feet down properly.

Jungkook:' jhope is right. Will have to go to the hospital. Let's go.

Y/n: No, you are already tired, let it be, I will go myself.

Jungkook: it's okey.

Jimin:' I'll take you to hospital.

Mira: I will also come.

Jhope: me too.

Y/n:' There is no need for you all to come.

Mira :' I am coming okay, and that is final.' She said folding her hands around her chest.

Jimin:' Jungkook you and Jhope can go , I'll go with them'. They nodded.

IN HER EYES  (Makneline X Reader) Where stories live. Discover now