7. care

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Y/n's pov

I woke up a little early today cause today our interns are joining so it's an important day. I think this day also tiring for me cause I have to do treatment of patients and also help intern's.

I did my daily routine and got ready to go work.

and then I notice that there is a coat which jimin gave me yesterday night

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and then I notice that there is a coat which jimin gave me yesterday night. So sweet of him. He is really caring.

I took that coat with me to return it to him. I pressed the doorbell and waited for him, but he didn't opened door so i pressed the doorbell again. After some time later he finally opened the door.

Y/n : hey jimin, good morning.

Jimin : good morning y/n .

He look little weak and also his voice changed. What's wrong with him.

Y/n:"what happen with you , is everything okey ?" I asked worriedly.

Jimin: "everything is okay i just caught the cold". He replied.

Y/n:"let me check you." quickly I touched his forehead with bake of my hand.  "Oh no you have a fever, why didn't you said it to me  earlier."

Jimin: "i just don't wanted to disturb you, you are also tired last night." He explained.

Y/n:  pabo, How could you be so careless ? you had to say about it to me." I quickly made him sit on sofa.
" Stay here im coming."

Jimin: "Where are you going."
Y/n:" i will be back in 5

I made my way to my place to take some medicine, thermometer and stethoscope. I took all things which i need and returned to jimin's place.

Y/n:"let me check you" i sat next to him and started to check. I checked his fever and heartbeat etc.

Y/n:"you really have fever. Last night when i told you to not eat ice cream in cold weather you didn't listened to me, and also gave your coat to me. Now you are suffering , i feel like it's all because of me. " I really felt sad about it.

Jimin: "no it's not your fault, I'm so stubborn to eat ice-cream, and i gave coat to you , it's fine im okey."

Y/n :" just go and get ready". I said and folded my arms around my chest.

Jimin: "why". He asked confused.

Y/n:"because we are going to hospital."

Jimin: "no , i don't want to go hospital. You know that I don't like to go hospital." he argued like baby.

Y/n:" you have a fever, you have to take some treatment."

Jimin: "no i don't want to go to the hospital, you are also a doctor you just give me some medicine and i will take some rest I'm sure It's will be good for me . please.... please.....

Y/n:"okey , okey. Did you had your breakfast. You have to eat something before medicine's".

Jimin: not yet.

Y/n:"okay take some rest let me cook  something for you."

Jimin: "no it's okey. I'll cook it myself. You have to go at your work .

Y/n:"no I'm not going at work, your health is not good, how can I go to work."

Jimin : i can manage it , you should go.

Before he says anything I started to walk towards the kitchen. i started to cook. Jimin know that I'm stubborn so there is no point in arguing with me, laying on a couch he waited for me.


Time skip......

I served breakfast to jimin . while he was eating i get ready the medicine which jimin have to take so i give him.

When he was taking the medicine my phone rings. I took my phone and looked at screen and it was Hobi. 

On the call..

Y/n : hello, good morning hobi.
Hobi :
hello good morning y/naah. What happen, did you forget you Informed me yesterday that you are coming early tomorrow. Cause we have some work , so I also reach  here early now I'm waiting for you .

Y/n:"ohh so sorry hobi , i forgot about it. Jimin have a fever I'm here for his care. I can't come today".

Hobi : hey are you mad , sorry for your friend but ,you forget that today is intern's first day and we have tight schedule and also you know dr.min how he gonna react, yesterday you are late so he already mad at you if you don't come today he will Kill you.

Y/n:"yes I know that but Im confuse".

Hobi : no more time waste, you still  have time left just come, I'm waiting for you.

Y/n:"okey .

.......................call ended.......................

Jimin:" who was on the call". He asked.

Y/n:"it's hobi".

Y/n:"I'm sorry jimin , today everyone is little busy and intern's are coming so it's hard to take day-off. " Before I complete my sentence he cut me off -

Jimin: i already told you that I can manage. I can take care of myself, You can go to work. " He said with puppy eyes.

Y/n:"okey , I'm going But remember that if you want something just call me okey and take care of you, bye.

Jimin: "okey ,bye.


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