26. Misunderstanding

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After jungkook and y/n argument. Jungkook entered in his drawing room. He kicked the table in anger, and sat on couch. His mind is all messed up.

he rested his back comfortably and  looked at Celine blankly. The scene is roaming in his mind.

....... Flashback......

Jungkook's pov

Inhaling fresh air of park i was walking here and there.

" the wheather is nice and calm. I'm sure  y/n will be come. " I thought to myself.

I'm Missing her badly. I hope she will come soon. Thinking about her smile spread all over my face. 

But not for long, my smile fell down.

Where i was stood from there little afar i saw y/n and jimin. They were hugging each other, like their life depends on it. Watching them this close i felt sharpe pain in my heart.

i warned jimin to stay away from her. He loves her so did they got together ? Or y/n chea- ' no this can't happen. She can't do this to me.

I can't stay here anymore, this is hurting me badly. Without wasting time i went back to my place.

I opened door, i can't hold myself back, my blood is literally boiling remembering the scene i witness.

I throw all the things which kept on table here and there. Mostly i like to stay calm, but sometimes I can't handle my anger.

I punched the mirror make it shatter in pieces but seems like my heart is more shattered in pieces than it. 

my hand started to bleed but i don't felt any pain there, the pain in my heart is worse than it.

Jungkook:' why  y/n ?  Why ? ' i shouted.

I went to kitchen and took some soju's and more kind of alcohol drinks. Without thinking i started to drink countlessly.

And i don't know when i got drunk. After that i went to y/n's place and everything happen.


...Author's pov...

??:'  mom please.. please..'' he said following her mother like lost puppy.

Mrs. Kim (chae-won):  why don't you ask him yourself."  she said didn't caring to look at her son who is pouting and sulking. 

?? :" He will not agree, you can convince him  please mo-

"whom are you want to convince ?" He  froze at his place hearing his father's words. Literally sighning he decide to ask his father himself.

??:' dad i know there is much work in office but I'm so bored.  i want some break and want to go on trip." With puppy eyes he look at him trying his best to convince his father.

Thinking for while Mr. Kim spoke.

Mr. Kim (dae-jung):" you can go."

Hearing his father's answer he became the happiest person.

?? :' really ? Thank you, thank you so much dad" He smiled innocently.

Mr. Kim: not that easyly dear. ' he smirked at his son who frowned at him.

Mr. Kim :'For that you will have to accept some of my conditions. And if you don't agree then trip will be cancelled."

?? :' huh ' he look at his father disappointly. ' which conditions ? ' he asked.

Mr. Kim:' i will inform you later.' saying this He left from there before his son protests.

Jhope : y/n enough now. you are already drunk don't drink more you can't handle it. ' he snatched glass from her hand. She sadly chuckled.

Y/n: yes i can't handle. I can't able to Handle anything. ' she said with teary eyes.

Jhope sighed looking at her. she end up drunk and said everything to jhope earlier.

Jhope can see how she is broken. Never in her whole life she touched alcohol but today she end up being drunk.

Y/n:' everyone were lying, they were say alcohol will easy the pain but it's paining even more.' she said in her drunken voice.

Jhope:' just wait little more soon jin hyung will come to pick you okay. '

She is drunk so she can't drive same goes for hobi,  so he called jin.

they are in club, the same club where they visited before. Y/n looked at the place where they enjoyed on their first visit. Her eyes become more teary threatening to fall.

" This is the same place where we were enjoyed, we were happy, we were together" she thought to herself.

" Now look everything changed , no one is happy, no one is together. " She chuckled sadly.

" Y/naah " she looked in the direction where from it came.

" Ohh Jin oppa " she excitedly said looking at him who is concerned. He rush towards her.

Jin: " ohhh y/n you are drunk ?"  He shockingly stared at her. He can't believe that y/n is drunk.

Jin:' everytime you went to club always something happen wrong, Next time i won't allow you to go club." He sighed looking at her.

After thanking and  bidding good bye to jhope jin left taking y/n with him.

Jin made her lay on bed and covered her with duvet. She mumbled something which he unable to hear so he brought his face near her.

Y/n:'its paining.' she mumbled while  crying, making Jin panick.

Jin:' are you okay y/naah ? Did i call doctor ? Where you got hurt ?

Y/n :" here " she said pointing at her heart place. And as she is so drunk she drift to sleep while crying.

Jin looked at her frowned. Unable to understand what she mean by that. He want to ask y/n about it but he let it go as he's questions can hurt her.

He checked her temperature, O2 level and heart beat in her smart watch everything is normal so he went out letting her sleep peacefully.


Something new is coming............

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