Chapter 1

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Hoseok's fingers followed the outlines of his scar on his right thigh. The scar didn't bother him that much anymore, but today was different.

"It has been one year" he said softly., running his fingers over the scar again.

The other members turned around to look at the dancer. They were having a movie night so everyone had gathered around the living room, cuddling on a couch that was too small for 7 grown up men. Jimin had chosen a comedy movie, since he knew that an action movie would only bring up unwanted memories. It was exactly one year ago since the attack during rehearsals. An explosion had gone off nearby the members, causing everyone to get hurt. Some more than others, but each member had left the place with scars either physically or mentally.

"Hobi..."Seokjin whispered and grabbed the hand that was tracing the scar. The oldest member didn't really know what to say to comfort his sunshine donsaeng. But it seemed that Hoseok didn't need words to comfort him since the dancer leaned into Seokjin's side.

The oldest member looked at the rest and saw that the other members craved for comfort as well, no doubt that they reliving old memories as well. Yoongi was being sandwiched by both 95-liners and the maknae looked very small in Namjoon's arms. The boys continued to watch the TV, but nobody was really paying attention on the movie. Each one was lost in their own thoughts.

"Sleep here hyung?" Jimin asked when the movie had finished.

"Please" Taehyung joined while showing his puppy eyes to Yoongi. The second oldest sighed, he usually hated cuddle puddles but he couldn't help to feel a little anxious as well this particular evening. So he nodded, causing smiles on the two maknae's faces.

"Yeah, come Jiminie, let's get our blankets and pillows!" Taehyung jumped off the couch and grabbed Jimin's arm to follow him. Together they ran towards the hallway leading to their bedroom. Yoongi smiled at the younger two's enthusiasm and from the corners of his eyes he saw the other hyungs smiling as well. Namjoon was nodding to Jungkook, causing the maknae to jump off the couch as well. Jungkook carefully stepped around Hoseok and Seokjin sitting in front of the couch to join the 95-liners, but suddenly he stopped moving.

"Hyung..." he said cautiously. The hyung line looked confused at the maknae. They had never heard this tone of his voice before, but when they saw Jungkook staring at the hallway they knew why.

Four big strong men dressed in black were walking from the hallway into their direction. Two of them had a strong hold on Jimin and Taehyung, covering one hand over their mouths and the other hand was pointing a knife to their throats. The hyung line immediately shot to their feet, their eyes never leaving the 95-liners. Seokjin grabbed the back of Jungkook's sweater and pulled him behind him and Hoseok. The maknae stumbled a bit and he felt Namjoon's hands dragging him even further from the four men.

"You know what day it is boys?" a fifth man had joined the living room. It was clear that he was the leader, as he was the oldest and he was the only one wearing a suit instead of black clothes. He continued when none of the boys dared to speak. "It's our anniversary! It has been one year since our first encounter!" he smirked. "And I couldn't let that pass without saying hi"

Jimin whimpered when the man holding him dug the knife closer to his throat, causing a drop of blood to run down his neck.

"Ah don't even think about it Yoongi" the man said when he saw the rapper's murderous look and clenched fists. "One wrong move and Jiminie will lose his angelic voice" Seokjin placed a hand on Yoongi's shoulder, trying to calm him down to prevent him from doing anything reckless.

"What do you want?" the oldest one asked.

"What do I want?" the man laughed, before his face turned serious. "You brats! You have no idea how much money I lost because of you!" The boys jumped at the sudden outburst, but they were also confused.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon asked carefully, his voice cracking because of fear. "Is this about money? We can give you as much as you want, just let the boys go"

"And let them kill me? I'm being paid by a dozen antis. I'm lucky that they have given me another chance, and I won't fail them again" he then looked at the four strong men and gave them a signal.

The two men holding Jimin and Taehyung were dragging the struggling boys out the house and the other two walked towards the five remaining boys. The members backed away until they where cornered against the wall. Seokjin, Yoongi and Namjoon stood protectively in front of Hoseok and Jungkook.

"Come without a fight and nobody gets hurt" the man in suit said while he was watching from the front door. But the boys were too scared to move a muscle. One of the two men in front of them grabbed Yoongi and started to pull him away, causing something to snap in Seokjin. The oldest member lunched himself at the man who was holding Yoongi, causing the three of them to fall on the ground. Namjoon looked shocked at the Seokjin's unexpected action and quickly dodged the arm that was reaching for him. He pushed Jungkook to the wall behind him before he lunched himself at the other man like Seokjin had done. Hoseok needed a second to collect some courage but then he joined Namjoon in the fight.

"Jungkook, run!" the youngest heard Yoongi yell. He looked hesitant at the 6 man fighting on the ground. He really wanted to help them, but he also didn't want to obey his hyung. "Run!" Yoongi yelled again

The maknae nodded and started to run, but he stumbled to the ground after two steps. He looked back and saw that one of the man had grabbed his ankle. But Seokjin punched the man's face, causing the man to release his hold on him. Jungkook quickly stood up again and ran towards the hallway. He almost made it before he fell to the ground again.

White hot pain erupted through his whole body and he felt his body spasm on the ground. He opened his mouth to scream but he couldn't hear himself since his ears were ringing. He could barely hear voices yelling for him in the distance


"Please stop!"

"Let him go!"


An unwanted one year anniversaryWhere stories live. Discover now