Chapter 7

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"Joonie, you know this isn't your fault" Seokjin whispered when he sat down next to the younger one on the opposite side of the room where the others were. Namjoon looked down at his hands and shook his heads defeated.

"It is hyung" he said bitterly. "I was weak and Jungkook is -"

"No Namjoon. You're not weak" Seokjin interrupted him and placed a hand under the boy's chin so he could lift his head. "You were put in a horrible position and you were asked to do the impossible." The rapper looked angry, so the oldest stopped talking for a moment and withdrew his hand.

"You were all put in the same situation. You, Yoongi and Jimin. But who was so stupid to freeze, huh? Me!" Seokjin was shocked at the outrage of the younger one. He had never seen him this angry before. He wanted to convince him that he was wrong, but Namjoon continued.

"Hoseok's burn is bigger than it should have been, because of ME! Jungkook is carved with MY name, because of ME!" the rapper didn't noticed that the others went silent as well as they heard their leader's shout. "I am so fucking WEAK!"

"No Joon, please- " Seokjin whispered, but the younger one didn't want to hear it. The rapper stood up, not caring that he pushed the older one a little too rough to the side and walked over to the other side of the room were no mattresses were. Jin's eyes followed the broken form of their leader and swallowed the big lump that was forming in his throat. 'I failed. I failed him' he thought and suddenly he missed Hoseok's calming and bright presence in the room even though the boy had been unconscious for a few minutes now. Usually when one of the members were sad, it was Hoseok who always succeeded in bringing the boys back to reality and see the positive side of life again. But Seokjin also feared that he wouldn't see that side of the dancer again, or at least not any time soon. The past year had been rough on the young rapper due to his previous injury, and receiving the same injury but this time worse would hit the boy hard.

The oldest member stayed in the corner for a few more moments before the returned to the others, sadly without Namjoon at his side. "He will come around, just give him some time" Yoongi whispered when Seokjin sat down next to Jungkook again. The oldest shook his head and bit his lip nervously.

"I'm not sure Yoongi. He's hurt a lot"

"Hey don't. You must keep positive, so Namjoon will be as well" the oldest rapper said. Jin looked at the younger one with tears in his eyes but nodded anyways. "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry"


"Yeah Kookie?" Seokjin looked at the youngest lying on the bed next to him.

"I want to talk to Namjoon hyung" Jungkook said and then he started to lift himself with his arms, like he had tried before. The boy gritted his teeth when the movement hurt his back but continued anyways.

"Jungkook stop! You're hurting yourself!" the oldest one quickly pushed the younger one down to the ground again. He winced how easy he won over the usually much stronger boy, indicating how weakened Jungkook's body was.

"No he needs to know - " the maknae's vocabulary doesn't include the word 'giving up', so he tried to move again. "- that I don't blame him hyung"

"Kook, stay down" Yoongi joined to help the other hyung and pushed the youngest to the bed as well. Jungkook huffed with frustration as his hyungs were fighting against the little strength he had.

"Listen to hyung, Kookie" Taehyung added. The second youngest could only watch how Jungkook was struggling since he couldn't help holding him down due to his own injuries. "It will be okay" and with those words the maknae calmed down and nuzzled against Taehyung's side again.

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