Chapter 31

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"Hey, you ok?" Seokjin asked when Namjoon returned to his side. The rapper stilled look angry but he nodded anyways. The older boy knew better than the push him right now, so he turned his head back to the sick boy on the other side of the window.

"He just fell asleep. He tried to stay awake until you came back, but he was too tired" the singer said softly. Namjoon winced when he realized that he left Hoseok without saying another word, and he felt guilty that the other 94-liner had been waiting for him to come back despite that.

"I'm sorry" the rapper apologized and bit his lip while doing so. "Can I... Can I talk to you for a second?" he asked hesitant. Seokjin nodded and the oldest one knew immediately it was something serious that Namjoon wanted to talk about "Yeah of course, you want to go somewhere private?"

"Yeah, let's go to Kook's room. I want to stay close to Hoseok in case he wakes up" the younger one said and motioned his hyung to follow him.

When Seokjin closed the door behind him, he watched how the leader walked to the chair that was placed next to Jungkook's bed and he let himself fall into in with a heavy thud. The boy put his elbows on his knees and cradled his head in his hands.

"Hyung I'm sorry. I don't want you to bother with this, but I need to tell someone. I can't do this on my own" Namjoon started without looking at Seokjin. His hands were tugging painfully at the locks of hair, something Seokjin had never seen him do before.

"Oh Joon, you can tell me everything" Seokjin sighed and moved closer to the younger one, kneeling in front of him to peel his hands from his hair before he actually ripped it from his skull. "I'm glad that you're asking for help, don't ever apologize for it"

The rapper nodded and lifted his head to look at the other one who was holding his hands and sitting in front of him. But then his head shifted so he could look at Jungkook "He had multiple seizures" Namjoon stopped for a moment and took a deep breath before he continued. "They fear the lack of oxygen did damage to his brains, but they can't tell for sure until he wakes up"

"Oh no, please no" Seokjin said horrified and he let go of Namjoon's hands to go to the maknae's side. The oldest moved his hand to the boy's face again like he had done before but this time he also leaned down so his own head was resting on Jungkook's head. "No this can't be happening. We just go you back, please be okay"
Namjoon felt tears starting to fall down his cheeks seeing his oldest hyung like this. He knew that the two had a special bond, as Seokjin felt like an older brother to the younger one.

"Hyung there's more that Sejin didn't tell us" the rapper said, causing Seokjin to stop moving and slowly look back with nothing but fear on his face. "His heart was beating irregular yesterday and his wound is infected" Although these were less worrisome problems compared to the possibility of having brain damage, it still felt like he was stabbed in the heart over and over again. 'How much more was Jungkook able to survive?' Seokjin thought

"And Hobi might lose his leg if it doesn't get better" Namjoon blurted out before he started to sob and grabbed his head with his hands again. Seokjin's mouth fell open in shock while his mind went numb. This was much worse than he could ever imagine, and it made him suddenly very insecure. He didn't know how to act anymore, what to do or even what to think at the moment. He just stood frozen in the same spot while he watched how the 94-liner was breaking down in front of him.

They didn't how much time had passed, but eventually Namjoon stopped crying but he kept his head hidden in his hands and Seokjin kept stroking Jungkook's face while his eyes where unfocused as if he was in deep thoughts. But suddenly they were pulled back to reality when a soft knock was heard on the door.

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