Chapter 25

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Like the policeman had promised, nearly 10 minutes later more paramedics had reached them and soon the place was filling with a dozen new faces.

The double amount of paramedics and police officers made Yoongi and Jimin even more scared than the first time help arrived, causing the rapper to cover the younger one with his body.

"Yoongi, let them help you. They mean no harm" Sejin tried for the third time, but Yoongi kept his back turned to the manager and the pair of paramedics sitting next to him.

"Yoongi... please"

"I WON'T LET YOU TAKE HIM" Yoongi yelled and threw the men and women surrounding them a murderous look. The anger in his voice made Jimin whimper, making Yoongi even more on edge.

"Give them some space" the doctor said while moving to stand in between the two hurt boys and the help. The paramedics looked doubtful but after seeing the reassuring look on the doctor's face, they all stood up and left to watch the boys from a few meters distance.

"Yoongi, is it okay if Sejin is staying?" the older man asked carefully. The said boy was still focused on the unfamiliar people, even though they kept their distance now.

"Yoongi?" Sejin asked nervously. This was not how the manager had imagined how the reunion would go. He knew that the boys were badly injured, so finding them with countless wounds and bruises wasn't a big surprise. But he had barely thought how the boys were doing mentally. He was so focused on the physical part, especially of the ones that were life-threatening. Of course, he knew that the boys were going to have nightmares and stuff like that, but for them to refuse help because of it was unexpected for the manager.

The oldest boy stared at Sejin's face for a few seconds before answering. He knew this was their manager, or how ARMY would call him the 8th member of the group. The man that had cared for them for years, as he made sure that everyone was taken care of and Yoongi was sure that they wouldn't be this successful without him. 'He wouldn't hurt Jimin, you know that' the rapper thought to himself, but still he couldn't help but feel anxious to let anyone near one of his donsaengs. Especially the one he had failed to protect earlier and ended up hurting badly after one of the kidnapper had found him.

"You know I won't hurt you, right?" Sejin asked after Yoongi failed to answer him. The boy nodded immediately and it almost seemed like he didn't knew he was doing it. But it didn't matter, because it was enough for Yoongi to finally let his guard down to allow their manager to come closer. Sejin sighed with relief and smiled softly at Yoongi while he moved next to Jimin's head.

"Jimin, can you look at me?'" Sejin asked and gently stroked the boy's hair to let him know that he was sitting next to him. The younger boy moaned in pain and turned around to look at the man. The doctor subconsciously took a step forwards when more of the injured boy was revealed but he stopped when he saw Yoongi tense up.

"I won't touch him, I promise. Is it okay if I stay here?" the doctor asked. The man was ready to leave because the older boy was glaring at him, but to his surprise he was allowed to stay.

"Check his head for bumps" the older man instructed Sejin, since he was the only one that Yoongi trusted enough to touch Jimin. The manager nodded and while he stroked the boy's hair he carefully felt for any abnormalities. Apart from a faint bruise on his cheek, he didn't find any other wounds on the boy's head so that was positive. Sejin then turned to the doctor, silently asking what he should do next.

"Can you check his chest as well? It looks like breathing is hurt him, check if one of his ribs is broken"

Sejin nodded and turned back around, but this time he looked at Yoongi first. "Is it okay?" the man hated it. He hated how he needed to negotiate every single move with the second oldest, and from the inside he wanted to yell at Yoongi. He really wants Jimin to be checked out by professionals, because he seriously doubted his own abilities to examine him. But of course, he couldn't and that made him feel helpless like he had felt the past few days.

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