Chapter 37

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Taehyung's hallucination with the imaginary bugs was thankfully the last setback the boys had to endure past week. And if everything went well, tomorrow the last member would finally be released from the hospital so they could go to their new house. It sounded strange to say that they were 'home' since the boys had never been to that place before, but it felt nice to go away from the hospital that was now filled with memories of seriously injured members.

Sejin and the hyung line had told Jungkook that they were waiting for Hoseok to be discharged, but it was actually the maknae who was the last member. Three days ago the boy was very quiet all day and later that evening it was once again Hoseok who managed to get him to talk. Jungkook had confessed how guilty he felt when he realized that they were waiting for him again to be discharged before they could go home. Just like last year... So the next day the sunshine member decided to tell the others and eventually they had set up a plan that involved the doctor as well, to convince their youngest that they wanted to keep Hoseok a little bit longer to look after his wound. And when yesterday Jungkook's oxygen levels had improved enough that he didn't need to use the oxygen cannula anymore, they told him that he was discharged. But in reality, the boy needed to be monitored for another 24 hours before the doctor would be satisfied enough that his last patient was going to leave the hospital.

His lungs had improved a lot in two weeks, but he would need to use two inhalers during the day to help him breath properly. The nurses had tried to teach him how to use they tiny objects, but the maknae had failed every attempt to do it on his own. It was hard to focus on pressing the button of the inhaler and controlling his breathing at the same time. He either inhaled to early or exhaled when he needed to inhale. Or he pushed the button two times in a row or forgot to hold his breath for at least 5 seconds when he did manage to inhale the medicine. So eventually the nurses had taught the older members of the group how to use them. The doctor had also provided an adapter with a plastic mask connected to it that looked like an oxygen mask and it could be connected to both inhalers. The adapter was made for children who are too young to follow instructions, so if Jungkook was too tired to focus, they could still get the medicine inside his lungs.

And talking about focusing, he was improving almost every day. It was still slow and he needed to be patient, but everyone was sure that he will be alright in the future. The therapist had stopped visiting him a few days ago after realizing that the boy hated the puzzles she provided. Taehyung was more than happy to solve them, but Jungkook hated them. But the professional didn't worry about it, since she had noticed that the rest of the members were constantly motivating her patient to help writing a new song or to make a drawing. They had listened really well to her advice to challenge him to concentrate as long as possible and trying to train his brains with being creative for example.

Lastly was a topic that Namjoon desperately tried to avoid. The wound on the youngest's back had healed nicely, but nothing could prevent the scar that had formed. It was barely visible, but for the rapper it wasn't. Jungkook knew it was bothering his hero, so he had said that he always wanted to get a tattoo on his back. He only needed to choose what kind of design it was going to be, but the boy had already decided it would be linked to the seven of them. The rest of the boys were tagging along and sharing their ideas for the tattoo, all except Namjoon. The leader was afraid that Jungkook was saying this to please him instead of actually wanting a new tattoo, no matter what the younger member would say to him. But thankfully they still had some time to think and talk about it, since Jungkook would first need to be able to lay on his stomach for hours without being short of breath or coughing frequently.

Hoseok was the second to last member to be discharged. The dancer's burn wound was healing nicely and he was fit enough to be discharged at the beginning of the week, but since Jungkook was still admitted for at least a couple of days, they decided to perform the skin draft now instead of next week. It was a minor surgery, but it sounded gross: they had to shave healthy skin of his butt, so they could use it to cover his wound. It was not a very nice place to get his skin shaved off, but it was either his other thigh or his bottom. And since his other leg was already scarred, the choice was made rather easily. After a day of not being able to sit or lie down comfortably, he was starting to feel the skin closing and the doctor was satisfied with the results. And since there were still some antibiotics cursing through his veins, they weren't concerned for him to catch another infection. For once it seemed like things were going rather smoothly for the sunshine member. Or at least his leg was.

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