Chapter 16

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"They're back!" Sejin said. He turned the laptop on his lap so that the detective could watch with him. The two men were seated in the backseat and the doctor in the passenger seat. They had been driving for almost 30 minutes now, mostly on the highway but Sejin didn't really noticed where they were going because his eyes had never left the live stream.

The kidnappers had returned far too soon. Usually there were a few hours in between the rounds, giving the boys time to recover a little bit before the torture would begin. But not right now. Maybe because it was a live stream and the kidnappers picked up their pace so the audience wouldn't get bored.

The manager turned up the volume when he saw the leader stand in front of Jungkook. He heard the maknae whimper something, but even though the volume was at maximum, the sounds of the driving car were too loud to hear what was being said on the video. It looked like that Seokjin was answering the youngest boy and suddenly his head was pulled backwards. Sejin moved his head closer to the laptop but he still couldn't figure out what the people on the other side of the screen were saying.

But it turned out he didn't need to hear everything to understand what was happening when he saw once again the taser being placed in Seokjin hands. A new round had began... Sejin sighed and looked for help at the detective, whose face showed no emotion. The last couple of days had been exhausting for everyone, even for the detective.

The manager gasped when he saw the oldest boy walked towards Hoseok. Did he really had to hurt the injured and feverish member again? But unfortunately, yes that was the case. And as expected the dancer started to scream immediately when the taser started, but a few moments the boy passed out with the ropes being the only thing preventing him to fall down on the ground.

"Oh no Hobi" Sejin said when the punishment was finally over. It seemed like the sunshine member had the worst luck this week. First he was beaten, then burned, his wound got infected and then harshly cleaned. And on top of that he was being tasered. How much more was the boy being able to withstand?

"Sejin I think Seokjin is forced to hurt everyone" the detective said hesitant when the second paper was being opened.


"Look at the papers. There are 5 left, 2 drawn" the older man explained while pointing at the screen.

"Oh no, but Taehyung and Jungkook..." the manager said horrified. He really didn't want to see the other two seriously injured boys being tasered. The detective looked at him pitifully and focused back on the live stream when Seokjin was standing in front of Jimin in the meantime.

The small body was shaking hard against the chain but Sejin was surprised to see that Jimin managed to keep quiet.

"Why isn't he stopping?" the manager asked when the torture lasted longer then Hoseok's. And as if Seokjin had heard him, he stopped the taser. But after the maknae had spat some blood on the ground, the taser started again and this time the boy couldn't keep silent anymore. Sejin closed his eyes, he couldn't get used to the sounds of the boys screaming. He desperately wanted to hear their normal voices again. The past few days he had only heard the boys scream, moan or whimper in pain. The horrible sounds that kept him awake at night and haunted him during daytime.

After Jimin's punishment was finally over, one of the attackers wasted no time and grabbed the next piece of paper. But this time the man stood a little bit turned towards the camera so Sejin could finally see what was written on the paper.

"10 seconds" he said out loud, in case the detective hadn't read it. And when Seokjin moved to stand in front of Jungkook he finally understood the assignment. "Wait I know what's going on" but before he could explain himself he stopped talking because the youngest was shaking hard. His strained breathing was becoming almost none existent because the boy wasn't able to take a proper breath anymore. The punishment shouldn't have been a second longer because Jungkook's lips were already turning blue at the end of it.

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