Chapter 6

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Sejin groaned when he woke abruptly due to his phone ringing. His heart dropped when he saw the identity of the caller on his screen.

[Detective Lee]

The fact that he had the phone number of a detective in his phone was sicking enough, but remembering how much he had seen the name on his screen was even worse. Bighit had hired the detective as soon they had landed in Korea after the bomb attack to continue the investigation. The man had called Sejin every time they had a new tip, but unfortunately they weren't able to identify the attackers yet. The manager hadn't heard of the detective for the past 2 months and he was glad that the boys were able to get some rest as well.

Until yesterday.

The manager knew exactly what day it was yesterday. He could still hear the explosion when he closes his eyes. He could still see the boys covered in dust and blood when they were rescued by the firefighters. He could still feel the tremors of the boy's bodies when they had woken for the tenth time after another nightmare. It was exactly one year after the day he would never forget. He felt sick thinking about it, even though he wasn't the one left with injuries or scars afterwards. He could only imagine how the boys were feeling. So Sejin needed to check on them. He needed to see them, just to confirm that they were alright. But when he had reached the dorm he immediately knew that wasn't the case.

It was too quiet. Too quiet even though it was still early in the morning. 'They are probably sleeping in' he thought, trying to calm his nerves. But his worry only increased when he turned the doorknob, learning that the door wasn't locked. 'The boys would never leave the door unlocked' he frowned. When he opened the door and looked at the living room he felt his heart skip a beat. The room was a mess. A torn painting and a broken vase was lying on the ground behind the couch and the rug was crumbled on the other side. The glasses on the coffee table had fallen over, leaving the table and floor wet with water and soda.

"Seokjin! Yoongi!"



Sejin yelled, each name louder as he didn't receive a response.

"Hoseok! Please answer me!"


He continued to yell whilst he was walking towards the bedrooms. His blood ran cold when he reached the first bedroom. The bed was empty and still neatly made.

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Please!"

He walked towards the next bedroom, hoping that the boys were pulling a prank on him. But deep down he knew that wasn't the case. It was only confirmed when he opened the door. Again, the bed was empty but he saw glass lying on the ground next to the bed. The manager lifted his head and moved the curtain to the side.

"No no please. NO!!" Sejin collapsed to his knees when he saw the broken window. "Please not again" he cried as realization hit him hard. He pulled his phone out of his pocket with shaky hands and searched for the name he never wanted to call again.

"Hey mister Kim, I didn't expect a call from you. Is everything okay?"

"Detective Lee. The boys are missing..."


[Detective Lee]

"Sir, I'm sorry to wake you, but I have to something to show you. It's about the boys."

"What's is it? Did you find them?" Sejin asked desperately. With the phone pressed to his ear he climbed out of bed and tried to put his clothes on without letting the phone fall.

An unwanted one year anniversaryWhere stories live. Discover now