Chapter 26

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"Put him on the gurney please" the female paramedic said to Sejin when they arrived at the house with multiple ambulances parked in front of it. The manager looked nervously around him, trying to find the ambulance where they had taken Jimin. But before he found him, he noticed one of the kidnappers being loaded into an ambulance. Within a second he went from anxious to furious and if he wasn't carrying Yoongi right now, he would have stormed off to the injured attacker to dig his hand into the gaping hole in his shoulder where he had been shot.

"Sir?" the woman asked again. She moved to stand in front of Sejin, effectively blocking his view while doing so. The manager blinked a few times before focusing back on the member in his arms and the person talking to him.

"Sorry what?" he said

"Please put him down on the gurney" the paramedic repeated and with gentle hands she guided the man towards the said object, but Sejin stilled. "No wait, where is Jimin?"

"Jimin?" the woman asked confused, but when she noticed the younger man looking around as if he was searching for someone she finally understood why he was so distracted. "Ah the other boy. He is in the ambulance on the left side. He's going to be okay"

"No no, I need to stay with him as well. In case he wakes up" Sejin's eyes were glued on Jimin's ambulance and he still didn't give any indication of releasing Yoongi right now. The paramedic sighed impatiently. It was her job to get to the patient, quickly access the problem and then take the patient to the hospital as soon as possible. But nothing was quick about this situation. The remote area was the first delay, walking through the forest the second. When she finally arrived at the destination she needed to wait another 10 minutes before she was allowed to come near the boy. And right now the manager was causing even more delay. Thankfully, the patient's condition didn't appear to be life-threatening, but she also wanted to keep it that way.

"Sir, I need you to put the boy down now" she said a little too harsh, so she added "please' and the end. Sejin immediately did was he was told after hearing the change of tone in the female's voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. But please, I need to be with them, if they wake up they will panic" the manager said and the paramedic could hear the desperation in his voice. "I hear you, okay? But we can't put both of them in 1 ambulance. You can ride along in the back if you want"

Sejin nodded and he was grateful that the woman allowed him to stay near Yoongi during the ride. Once he was seated in the ambulance, the paramedic closed the door and let her colleague know that they were ready to leave.

The male paramedic looked at his young patient while he was talking on the phone to a colleague who worked in the emergency department at the hospital where they were going. Sirens of their own ambulance but also of the two others were heard in the background, but it was muffled enough to hear the other one on the end of the line.

"Page the pulmonologist and anesthetist for an acute bronchoscopy. We need to get the fluids out of his airways as soon as possible" he explained. Since the ride to the hospital would take another 10-15 minutes, he made himself useful to prepare their arrival at the hospital the best he could. It would be a shame if they needed to wait for a doctor or special equipment, so the paramedic tried to rearrange everything in advance.

"Get cooling pads because his fever is too high. He had a- oh shit, hold on" the man stopped talking when he noticed Jungkook's arm twitch, so he put his phone down and immediately went to the cabinet with medication.

"Hold his head and oxygen mask" the paramedic instructed to the police officer sitting next to the bed. Each ambulance was provided with at least one policeman, since some of the kidnappers were still not in custody. The extra man in the back of the ambulance made the pace feel crowded, but the paramedic was grateful for the extra pair of hands right now.

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