Chapter 23

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Sejin was busy cleaning the third cut when the doctor joined him on the other side of Taehyung.

"How is Yoongi?" the manager asked, but his eyes never leaving the boy next to him.

"He got lucky. I can't feel any broken bones or torn muscles." the doctor answered "But he refuses pain medication Sejin" and that made Sejin lift his head immediately to look at Yoongi.

"He what?! I'm going to talk to him after I'm done with Taehyung. They shouldn't suffer more than they already do" the younger man said and he shook his head in disbelieve. The doctor turned around as well to look at the rapper and sighed. "I agree, but I think we should give him some space though. He accepted the sling, and as long as he doesn't move his arm he should be fine. I'm afraid if we push him too hard, he doesn't want the sling anymore."

Sejin didn't like it, at all. It hurt seeing any of the boys in pain and he simply couldn't understand why Yoongi didn't accept painkillers. There was enough medication for everybody so it wouldn't be at the expense of the others. But the manager also knew that the doctor's words were spot on. He knew from his own experience how the oldest rapper easily shut down when he didn't like something. Like the time when the boy had locked himself into his studio, only to come out for a quick visit to the restroom. Sejin remembered how mad he was at Yoongi, but when he confronted him, it only backfired because the next day the boy had blocked him in his phone. Eventually it was Jungkook who managed to get into the studio, and up until this day nobody knew how.

"Do you want me to take over?" the doctor asked, making Sejin to snap out of his thoughts. The younger man focused back on the wet bloodied gauze in his hands and shook his head. This was the first time in the past few days that he finally didn't feel helpless anymore. Somehow, cleaning Taehyung's abused back calmed his nerves. "No I'm fine"

The doctor smiled sadly at him and he didn't need words to understand what the younger man was thinking right now. But the doctor was also grateful for the extra pair of hands to help him. Knowing that Taehyung was taken care of for the time being, he could check on Hoseok and Jungkook again. So the older man stood up and went to the dancer first. Hoseok was sleeping on his back with his left leg covered in white bandages, but the boy didn't seem to be in pain thankfully. The doctor grabbed the blood pressure cuff and wrapped it around the left upper arm. The man frowned at the numbers appearing the screen, who were still a bit lower than expected even though the IV bag was nearly finished. After changing the fluid bag, the man decided to place another IV because the boy's blood pressure wasn't rising as fast as he would like. Once again, the doctor didn't have any problems setting up the new IV port and it seemed like that Hoseok was the easiest patient. He didn't complain (because he was unconscious though) and his body didn't give the older man much trouble.

A much more difficult patient was Jungkook. Like Hoseok, the younger boy's blood pressure was disappointing as well. But unlike the dancer, Jungkook's arms weren't showing any indicating of cooperating. The first fluid bag was almost finished, but there was still no sign of a beautiful prominent vein appearing. The doctor knew that finding the vein with the first IV port was pure luck. The man kept trying until he finally succeeded, but he felt less confident when he noticed how many IV sets were left in his medical bag.


6 IV sets were left, but the doctor was a little hesitant using them all. There were still 3 boys missing and even though those 3 were the least injured, he still wasn't convinced that they wouldn't need IV fluids. Because there were also 3 kidnappers missing and he hadn't seen the remaining members after they escaped the house, almost two hours ago..... A lot could happen in two hours...

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