Chapter 4

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Half an hour later one of the men had returned and left 7 candy cars for the boys.

"Guess this will be our breakfast..." Yoongi said as he looked at the food in his hands before dividing it between the members. They ate in silence and tried to enjoy the little bit of food they had been given.

"Are you okay Hobi?" Namjoon asked when he saw the dancer wince while eating.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Hoseok reassured the boy who was sitting on his right side. Namjood raised his eyebrows when the other 94-liner winced again. But then he saw Jimin alarmed face and he knew that Hoseok was trying to hide his pain for the younger one.

Jimin was practically glued to Hoseok's side, constantly making sure that the hurt member was as comfortable as possible. At first, Hoseok refused his help to show him that he was fine, but it only backfired when it was making the boy even more upset. So the older one eventually let Jimin take care of him.

"Hyung... I don't think I can do it" Taehyung suddenly whispered. Everybody turned theirs heads to look at the second youngest who was seated next to Jungkook and Seokjin.

"What do you mean Tae?" Seokjin asked whilst he grabbed one of the boy's hands in his own.

"If – If they come back and they – they pick me first" the boy started to stutter, something he had never done before. "I can't – I can't do it hyung"

"Oh Tae..." the oldest member sighed sadly and pulled the scared maknae in his arms. After a few moments he pulled away and took Taehyung's face in his hands

"Tae, I know you're scared. We all are. But if the men come back and pull your name first, I need you to be brave and do what they tell you, okay?"
Taehyung shook his head and let a few tears fall from his eyes. "No hyung"

"Please Tae, promise me you will do it. I'm scared what these men are capable of. I don't want to get you hurt" Seokjin pleaded desperately. The second youngest shook his head again, so Jungkook decided to give it a try "Tae, please be strong. We will be okay"

The oldest member felt his heart warm at Jungkook's words, and smiled when the words finally seemed to reach Taehyung's stubborn head.

"I promise" he whispered, and looked at Seokjin when he repeated himself "I promise hyung". Jin sighed with relief and tucked a lock of curly hair behind the boy's ear. He turned around to look at the other members who were watching the three of them silently.

"Promise as well, please" the oldest member pleaded again as he looked everyone in the eyes.

"I promise hyung"

"Yeah me too"

Namjoon and Hoseok said, Yoongi only nodded and Jimin hesitated for a moment before nodding as well.

"Thank you" Jin sighed and looked at the last member.

"I promise" Jungkook replied "You must promise as well hyung"

The oldest member was surprised that the maknae was using his own words against him, but after a few moments he nodded as well. "Yeah kookie, I promise as well"

The room went silent again and after what felt like hours the door opened again. The boys immediately moved closer to each other as the five men returned.

"Good news, our bosses enjoyed the video. Credits for Hoseok and Jimin for the show." The leader said enthusiastically. Jimin lowered his head as guilt was nagging at him again.

"I can't wait to see who's next" the older men said to Freddie, who smiled as well and moved towards the man on the left side.

"Wait" Freddie stopped as the leader suddenly intervened. "Tie them first" The four accomplices nodded and moved towards the boys, ropes ready in their hands.

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