Chapter 36

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"Hyung come with us. Hobi, Kook and Tae really want to see you" Yoongi tried, but once again the day started off with Seokjin refusing to leave his bed. They had accepted the boy's behaviour when the situation in the ICU was angsty, because of the member's uncertain conditions. But that wasn't the case anymore since the three most injured boys were recovering quite well.

Starting with the oldest of the three: Hoseok. Even though the burn wound had a slow start that had worried everyone, his leg was looking better ever day. It still looked rough, but it was turning less red and more healthy pink as the infection was being defeated with the cocktail of antibiotics that was being administered 3 times a day through the IV. Now that the wound was healing like it should, the doctor had informed them about performing a skin draft but they needed to be sure that the infection was 100% cleared before the surgery would take place. The boy himself didn't talk much about his injury like the previous days, but it wasn't a big concern however. He had sessions with the psychologist on daily basis and his hyungs were making sure that he took care of himself before fussing over Taehyung and Jungkook. They knew that Hoseok's self-care would improve by itself as long as the two youngest continued to recover.

Taehyung's back was healing rather well, but maybe too well since his skin was getting tighter when most wounds were now completely closed. The tightness was limiting his ability to move around, for example bending down to put on his socks. The doctor didn't propose skin draft immediately, because he wanted to see if it could be fixed with skin treatment first and guidance of the physiotherapist. But if the skin would tighten even more when scars were going to develop, he might need the surgery after all. The boy got scared after hearing the doctor's explanation and he needed a lot of reassurance from his hyungs before he could fall asleep last night. He hated how he had lost control the past couple of days when he was being plagued with hallucinations, so undergoing a treatment where he lost control as well due to anesthesia, freaked him out. So he was barely lying in bed anymore, because he kept practicing the exercises from the physiotherapist to improve the condition of his muscles and skin from his back. He didn't even care if the exercises hurt because of the bruises across his chest, because the thought of undergoing a surgery was more frightening. And talking about the hallucinations, Taehyung was immense relieved that he hadn't experienced them anymore ever since his outbreak when he was in isolation. He was still taking the anti-psychotics every day and the doctor had suggested that he wanted to try and lower the dosage today. It was another step in the right direction and if he continued to improve like this, he might be officially discharged from the hospital soon.

And the last and youngest member was getting better every day as well. His lungs were starting to function better and he needed less oxygen anymore. And much to Jungkook's delight, the big oxygen mask had been replaced by a nasal cannula instead. At least he could cough more freely now that his mouth wasn't covered anymore. And because the doctor was certain that the boy wouldn't need the ventilator anymore, he removed the central venous line from his neck as well. Another victory was that his heart monitor was going to be removed today. It was a close call since Jungkook's heart was beating like crazy last night, but it had only lasted a minute or so and it went back to normal without needing medication. The doctor wasn't too worried about it and told that it was still alright that the machine was going to be removed. And with two less wires and tubes being connected to him, Jungkook's humor was improving a lot. He still had a feeding tube, since he kept losing weight because he was too out of breath to finish even a light meal. If he had a choice in the matter, he would rip out the remaining IV and other tubes as well, but he didn't because his hyungs had told him so. And finally, the part that the rest of the group was the most concerned about: his brains. He kept struggling with puzzles and reading a short story for example, but to everyone's relief they did saw some improvements. It was a slow recovery, but if he continued like this he might not be bothered with it in the further.

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