Chapter 28

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Sejin woke up the next morning around 7am and he was immediately welcomed by the feeling of sore muscles after sleeping on the uncomfortable couch in the waiting room. He picked up his old morning routine from last year and went to the shared restroom room to brush his teeth. He still needed to locate a vending machine to find something to eat, but that was something he could figure out after he had checked on the boys.

Since he had spent the night in the waiting room of the ICU, he went to Jungkook's room first. The nurses had turned him on his other side at some point because when entered the room he could immediately see the boy's face. But besides the different sleeping position, there wasn't much else to see. The sounds of steady breaths filled the room and he was glad to see that his heartbeat was regular right now.

The manager moved to Hoseok's room next. He was still not allowed in the room, but at least he could see him so he didn't complain. Like Jungkook, there wasn't much to see because Hoseok was still sleeping. The boy could only lay on his back because he leg was propped up between some pillows to prevent him from lying on the wound. Sejin hadn't seen the wound after the surgery and he didn't know it he wanted to. The surgeon who had operated on him had stopped by shortly last night and he had explained that they kept the wound open so they could clean it regularly. So the thought of seeing a deep open wound the size of a hand palm wasn't exactly soothing, especially on an empty stomach...

Sejin decided to come back later in the morning to check on his most injured members again and hopefully getting an update from the doctor as well. He had more boys to worry about however, especially the two who were brought to the hospital around midnight. He did see them for a few minutes when they were brought to a room on the same general ward where Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung were staying, but the nurses had convinced him to get some sleep because there was nothing to see or do since Seokjin and Namjoon were both sleeping and mostly unharmed.

But when he entered the general ward he instantly noticed that something was wrong. At the end of the hallway he saw a few nurses looking nervously at each other while the female doctor was talking to the door? Sejin wasn't the only one watch the ordeal, because everyone else in the hallway was staring at them as well. The manager wanted to ignore it and continued to walk to Seokjin and Namjoon's room, until he suddenly realized that Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung's room was also at the end of the hallway. Sejin stopped walking when he stood in front of the room where the two last found boys were admitted, but before he opened the door he decided to check on the others first. He didn't exactly understood why he changed course last minute, but something felt wrong...

So he walked back to the main hallway and towards the raised voices. When he got closer he felt his heart beating in his chest, because the closed door looked too familiar.

"Sejin, thank you for coming! I need your help. Yoongi locked the door!" the female doctor said when she saw the manager walking towards them.

"He what?" Sejin asked in disbelief and when he came closer he could finally hear what the voices on the other side of the door were saying. His gut feeling was 100% right this time, because he could hear that something was definitely wrong.

"Leave us alone! I won't let you hurt them again!" that was Yoongi's voice, no doubt.

"Yoongi, it's Sejin. Please open the door. You're okay" Sejin said and he turned towards one of the nurses. "Don't you have a key or something?" he asked.

The nurse shook her head and pointed at the door handle. "It has no lock, he has placed his bed in front of the door". Sejin almost wanted to ask how Yoongi managed to get his big hospital bed in front of the door with only one arm, but he knew from experience that he should never underestimate the small rapper. And having two injured donsaengs in the same room to protect, probably unlock some extra energy and strength in the second oldest.

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