Chapter 29

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Namjoon felt himself waking up an hour later, but before he could open his eyes enough to see where he was he started to panic. Where was Seokjin? They needed to move soon because the others were still in the forest and injured badly! The boy's eyes shot open and he was confused to see that he wasn't in the forest anymore.

"Huh?" he mumbled while he looked at his hands and noticed that he was lying in a bed. He finally realized how comfortable the surface underneath his body was in contrast to the cold grass in the woods. And then he gasped. The police officers, detective and paramedics had found them yesterday! But where was Seokjin then?

Namjoon didn't have to look far because the older boy was lying in the bed next to him, and to his surprise he found their manager sleeping in one of the hospital chairs next to their beds as well. They both looked so exhausted even though they were sleeping, but the rapper was getting nervous. He knew that he and Seokjin were safe, but how about the others? And the fact that Sejin was sleeping in their room hopefully didn't mean that the rest of the members were still not found. If that were the case, then they needed to go back to the forest! He knew where they were before he left them... Left them to get help and left them to distract the kidnappers from finding Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin. Namjoon tried to swallow the big lump that was starting to form in his throat and he suddenly felt scared. Sejin is probably very mad at them for leaving the most injured members behind without any protection to find help, but instead he and Seokjin got lost. If they had stayed with them, they wouldn't be defenseless if the kidnappers had found them again. Oh no, the kidnappers!! What if the kidnappers had found them indeed! Namjoon felt his breathing speed up and he didn't care about Sejin's reaction anymore, he needed to find the rest of the boys, NOW!

"Sejin!" he said, his voice loud enough to wake the manager and Seokjin with his first attempt. Sejin blinked a few times, trying to clear the sleepiness from his eyes but it didn't take long to understand that Namjoon was awake and talking to him.

"Sejin, we need to go back to the forest! I know where the others are!" the rapper said and while he was talking he removed his blankets and dragged his legs over the edge of the bed.

"Namjoon, wait!" Sejin said and immediately moved to Namjoon's side, because he was scared that the boy was too weak to stand on his legs. Their vitals were fine, but both boys had lost a lot of weight so no doubt that their bodies will be weakened as well.

"Namjoon?" Seokjin mumbled. The older boy needed a little more time to wake up, but unlike Namjoon he instantly remembered the past 12 hours. "We're safe" he added with his drowsy voice.

"Sit back down on the bed Namjoon. Everyone is here and safe. You were the last ones to be found." the manager quickly reassured the rapper and pushed him back to against the bed. The boy gave a little bit resistance, but when he heard that they were the last ones that were found he slumped back against the pillows behind his back.

"Hoseok and Jungkook too?" he asked worriedly. Out of the 5 five boys, he was the most concerned about those two. He remembered how the kidnappers had caught up to them and how he and Seokjin had tried to distract them from the injured members. But the men had followed the same path that they had walked, so they must have found Hoseok and Jungkook on their way.

"Yes they're here as well" Sejin said and looked at Seokjin to see if he was listening as well. Both boys needed a few moments to process the information and the manager could see tears forming in their eyes.

"They're all safe?" the oldest boy asked again. His voice was barely a whisper and filled with emotions. And when Sejin nodded in response he broke down and started crying because how relieved he felt.

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