Chapter 14

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"They took the bait! Come to the police station as soon as possible"

Sejin's eyes widened hearing the words from the detective on the other side of the phone. Although it was little to no information, it was enough for the manager to understand what was going on. He knew about the plans of the detective and his skillful team as they tried to infiltrate the elite circle of antis who were able to communicate with the kidnappers. It was only a hour ago when he heard the news that one of the guys had managed to succeed and Detective Lee had proposed to request a live stream. Sure, it was risky but if the attackers would accept the offer then they would be able to watch the boys live and for a longer period of time. It would definitely help to speed up the progress of getting them back.

So it was safe to say that Sejin was filled with adrenaline after receiving the short call and he immediately grabbed the first bodyguard he saw after ending the call. The two men had managed to get to the police station within record time and the manager ran to the small office of the detective without looking back if his bodyguard was following him or not.

"Did they accept the request?" he asked while panting heavily after running that fast. The younger man looked at the detective and noticed that another men was in the room.

"Yes they did" Detective Lee said and look proudly at the man standing next to him "This is one of our best technical officers, mister Yang. He managed to get into an anti account"

"Thank you so much. I really can't thank you enough" Sejin thanked the man and bowed several times. He really wanted to hug the officer, but he knew it was considered unprofessional so only shook his hand.

"When will it start?" he asked afterwards.

"We don't know exactly. During the last contact with them, they said they needed to make the room ready and get the boys. I don't think it will take long though" Detective Lee answered. "Make your comfortable in the meantime" he added and pointed at the small leather couch on the other side of the room. A large TV was positioned in front of the couch and Sejin could see that the laptop was connected to the TV.

The two older men each took a chair and moved to sit next to the couch to watch the large screen as well. Together they waited in silence, but the three pair of eyes never left the TV.

After 15 minutes the men jumped when the screen suddenly changed, turning completely black for a few seconds before the live stream started. Sejin gasped when he finally saw the boys. He really didn't expect them to be tied up with their arms above their heads and standing in a line in the middle of an unknown room. And it seemed like the two other men also didn't expect it, judging by their reactions.

"It this live?" the manager asked confused, but his voice was also filled with fear. The 7 boys looked worse than the last time he had seen them. Of course it was somehow expected since this would be the fourth day of their capture and he could only guess that they weren't given proper food in the mean time. But that wasn't his main concern. He had seen multiple videos during the past days and Sejin knew exactly which boy was supporting what injury. So he was surprised when he saw more injuries than he expected.

The first new injury he spotted was Yoongi's left shoulder. The rapper wasn't hurt the last time he saw him in one of the videos. And during that video he was the one to hurt another member. So how did he end up gritting his teeth and moaning in pain as his left shoulder was clearly bothering him? He didn't have much time to think about the possibilities when he heard Jungkook coughing. The wet coughs didn't sound good at all, and when the maknae lifted his head he saw the unfocused eyes. The boy was sick, very sick. 'Did he get sick this bad overnight?' he thought. And it turned out that Jungkook wasn't the only sick one. Hoseok's face looked flushed as well and Sejin looked worriedly at the burn wound on his thigh. He wasn't a doctor, but he clearly saw the signs of infection. His wound getting infected wasn't a complete surprise however, since the members weren't given any proper medical care.

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