Chapter 24

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"Sejin?!" the doctor asked anxiously. The man quickly moved around the tree, but stopped immediately when he saw Sejin beating the kidnapper that had brought Jimin. The manager was kneeling over the other, holding the man down with his left hand so he could punch his face over and over again with his right fist. The kidnapper's face was already starting to swell and bruise, blood dripping from the corner on his mouth.

"Sejin! Stop!" the doctor yelled while he moved closer to Sejin. The older man tried to pull him backwards, but the manager pushed the doctor away causing the man to stumble for a moment. "Sejin!!"

But Sejin didn't want or could listen. His head was filled with rage and all he could think about were the videos from the past few days, hearing the painful screams of the boys and seeing their injuries. It was too much to handle right now. How could he stop when those men didn't stop hurting the members when they were screaming in pain or begging to stop? Sure, the kidnappers were going to be punished, but the punishment would be too kind. Being locked up in a jail wasn't enough for Sejin, he wanted them to feel the pain that the boys were feeling. So that's how he ended up kneeling over one of them and punching the man's face over and over again. It felt good when he saw blood dripping from the attacker's mouth and Sejin was determined to knock every tooth out of his mouth.

Unfortunately, before Sejin could complete his mission, he was stopped by a police officer who had manhandled him from the kidnapper and pushed him away from the kidnappers sitting or lying on the ground.

"Sir, I need you to calm down otherwise I have to restrain you as well" the policeman said calmly but his voice sounded commanding at the same time. The manager was breathing heavily from the exertion and anger, but his eyes never left the attackers. He clenched his fists, because he REALLY wanted to continue beating the man until he was satisfied. And then he would like to beat the other two as well, even though one was already severely injured.

"Sejin? Calm down. You're not helping the boys right now" the doctor tried since the police officer couldn't get Sejin's attention. The younger man spared the injured members a quick glance, and the doctor could hear him thinking right now. Everybody understood why Sejin wanted to beat those men, and that this was probably his only chance to do it. But with the police here, Sejin would be restrained if he continued, and that meant he couldn't be with the boys.

After a few deep breaths the manager finally made a decision, and thankfully the right one because he relaxed his fists and nodded at the doctor that he had heard him. The doctor gave him a reassuring smile and gave him a pat on the shoulder, but the police officer wasn't convinced yet. Even though Sejin's body language was changing, the man still had a murderous look on his face every time he glanced at the kidnappers. So he wasn't sure if the younger man would repeat his actions if nobody was looking again.

"Don't leave my eyesight and you're going to tell me where you're going from now on" the policeman said. Sejin felt ashamed of the man's words, but he also knew that the man had a responsibility as well. He knew he was lucky that he wasn't cuffed right away, but still it felt like he was the bad guy right now. The doctor noticed it and he felt pitiful for the man.

"Sejin, why don't you take over from the other policeman and hold Jungkook?" the doctor proposed. This way Sejin could still help and being immobilized at the same time, because he knew that he would never leave Jungkook without proper help. The police officer agreed with the plan and already guided the manager towards the youngest boy on the ground. The man released his hold for a second to tell his colleague to move, before his hands returned to push Sejin on the ground next to Jungkook.

Sejin's strong arms immediately enveloped around the youngest's limp body, and it turned out that holding one of the boys had healing properties. Within a few seconds he felt tension leave his body and the angered heat cool down. Only to be warmed up again because of Jungkook's fever...

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